Dear Jesse,

Welcome to the group and thank you for your thoughtful presentation of a view 
of information. I would call this this standard physicalist view and say that 
while it applies in some simple cases, it does not capture the complex process 
that is represented by the word 'information'. Perhaps the following few points 
will suggest some possible additions or changes:

1. The simplistic example of the beer container and the contained beer is 
inapplicable and misleading. There is obviously no interaction to all intents 
and purposes between the beer and the can. This is not the case with regard to 
the energetic and meaningful (biotic, Logan) aspects of information.

2. The type-token distinction was 'invented' to cover simple examples of 
bivalent linguistic structure. Once you apply tokens to information, you have 
begged the question about its being abstract. 

3. Biologists have apparently been unable to explain ' exactly' where 
information is in DNA, perhaps, in my view, because the question is badly 
posed: you are looking for a 'physical entity'. Suppose that what should be 
involved is not a fixed entity but a process that does not have an exact 
location and properties and is physical but in two senses, partly present and 
partly potential?

4. With this in mind, the debate about whether what is exchanged between 
non-living objects is information or not becomes otiose. As you imply at the 
end of your note, one should take a pragmatic position, provided in my opinion 
that any definition does not exclude properties of human information which 
while primarily intuitive, are not ipso facto totally separated from knowledge. 
Intuiting is also a physical process.

5. A third group of theories of information, among which I include the 
semiotic, may be characterized as insufficiently physicalist. I mean by this 
dependent on world-views which fail to integrate the dynamic physical 
properties of information and postulate other types of 'convenient fictions' as 
fundamental. Nevertheless, like all the approaches indicated, it has something 
to offer, without being the 'whole story'.

As you say, the key is to have an open mind.

Best wishes,

Joe Brenner
A Student


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Jesse David Dinneen 
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2017 10:15 PM
Subject: Re: [Fis] Can the can drink beer ? - No way!

Dear FIS colleagues, 

Though this is my first post I will spare my introduction to keep the message 
short. For now I'd simply like to thank everyone for the stimulating 
conversations and share a few thoughts regarding the current discussion, in 
which I sympathize with Krassimir, Bob, and others unconvinced that information 
transfer happens between non-living objects. For me this is caused by the 
following points:

(a) One can identify identical information in non-identical physical phenomena, 
and non-identical information in identical physical phenomena, which suggests 
that information is not identical to (and therefore shouldn't be confused with) 
the physical objects that carry or afford it. I give examples and discuss this 
and other problematic beliefs about information in an article published in 
Library Trends 63(3), though it is written primarily for information 
professionals and thus may bore some FIS readers.

(b) If information were physical, it couldn't be in two places at once, 
suggesting that information transfer would cause the source to lose the sent 
information. If we apply the type/token distinction we can instead say that in 
a case of successful information transfer the receiver obtains a token of the 
correct information type (i.e,. the same type as the source's token). Since 
types are abstract, so is information. Timpson argued this about Shannon 
information in his influential PhD dissertation about the nature of quantum 
information, and I adapted it to non-Shannon information in a short paper that 
will appear in this year's Canadian Association for Information Science 
conference proceedings.

(c) In my experience, examples that seem like demonstrations of physical or 
natural information can be restated or explained with sufficient physical 
causes and effects and no mention of information. This and the above problems 
suggest information is not truly present in such cases (if information isn't 
physical, non-living objects can't exchange it) but is instead a convenient 
fiction superimposed by those describing the transfer. Indeed, when I have 
tasked biologists to explain where exactly the information is in DNA, it always 
remained couched in figurative speech and eluded confident identification with 
some physical entity.

So, while it may be counter-intuitive (as Alex and Karl noted) to state that 
information transfer does not happen between non-living objects, I find it 
unsound to state that it does, and appeasing intuition is a desideratum, not a 
criterion, of the work of scientists and philosophers: I believe we owe more 
fidelity to knowledge than to common parlance or intuition, which are 
mercurial. I don't believe this means such views of information shouldn't be 
adopted for use -- the productivity of information theory or DNA 'information' 
is undeniable -- just that we should be careful how and how far we let our 
convenient fictions extend into theorising about and characterisation of 
information. But I continue to follow this topic with an open mind and look 
forward to reading others' views.

Jesse David Dinneen
McGill University

On Sun, Mar 26, 2017 at 1:17 PM, Moisés André Nisenbaum 
<> wrote:

  Dear Bob. 
  I agree 100%. We must classify information in abiotic and biotic, but, in my 
opinion, both are parts of "information".
  Some scientists, including Tom Stonier, tried to define information 
considering the syntactic and semantic aspects of information.
  Can we draw a parallel between these concepts?
  Abiotic <--> syntactic <--> Shannon <--> machines
  Biotic <--> semantic <--> human
  Shall we abandon the insights from Shannon theory to construct a theory of 
information (unified and non reductionist)?

  Attached a draw to illustrate the Von Newmann - Shannon talking :-)

  Um abraço


  2017-03-26 11:30 GMT-03:00 Bob Logan <>:

    Hello Krassimir - I agree with the sentiments you expressed - they seem to 
parallel my thoughts. 

    I am often  puzzled by the use of the term ‘information’ in the way it is 
often used by physicists re the info of material objects . The way the term 
information is used in physics such as Wheelers its from bits does not conform 
to my understanding of information as a noun describing the process of 
informing. How can abiotic matter be informed as it cannot make any  choices 
and hence cannot be informed. Living organisms make choices and use information 
to make those choices for all living creatures from bacteria to humans 
including physicists :-). The only information involved in the uses by 
physicists describing our universe of the word information is that associated 
with physicists becoming informed of what is happening in the universe they 
observe. I am happy that they want to discuss this info but I believe there is 
a need to distinguish between info (biotic) and info (abiotic) as used in 
physics. The use of a single word information for both categories is confusing, 
at least it is for me. This ambiguity reminds me of Shannon's use of the term 
entropy to define his notion of information having taken the advice of Von 
Neumann.  A story is told that Shannon did not know what to call his measure 
and von Neumann advised him to call it entropy because nobody knows what it 
means and that it would therefore give Shannon an advantage in any debate 
(Campbell, Jeremy 1982, p. 32  Grammatical Man: Information, Entropy, Language, 
and Life. New York: Simon and Schuster. ).  Shannon defined information in such 
a way that he admitted was not necessarily about meaning. Information without 
meaning has no meaning for me.  Kind regards to all - Bob Logan


    Robert K. Logan 
    Prof. Emeritus - Physics - U. of Toronto  
    Fellow University of St. Michael's College
    Chief Scientist - sLab at OCAD

    On Mar 26, 2017, at 5:39 AM, Krassimir Markov <> wrote:

    Dear Brian, Arturo, Karl, Alex, Lars-Goran, Gyuri, and FIS colleagues,

    Thank you for your remarks!

    What is important is that every theory has its own understanding of the 
concepts it uses.
    For “foreigners”, theirs meaning may be strange or unknown.
    Some times, concepts of one theory contradict to corresponded concepts from 
other theory.

    For years, I have met many different definitions of concept “information” 
and many more kinds of its use.
    From materialistic up to weird point of view...

    To clear my own understanding, I shall give you a simple example:



    The can is used by humans for some goals, for instance to store some beer 
for a given period.
    But the can itself “could not understand” its own functions and what the 
can can do with beer it contains.
    All its functionality is a human’s  consciousness model.
    Can cannot exchange beer with the glass if there are no human activity or 
activity of additional devices invented by humans to support this.


    You know the answer ... Human with an artificial leg can walk ...
    All functionality of artificial leg is a result from human’s  consciousness 
modeling and invention. 

    In addition:

    If it is, the first question is how to measure the quantity and quality of 
such “information” and who can do this?  
    I prefer the answer “NO” – “physical information” is a concept which means 
something else but not “information” as it is in my understanding.
    From my point of view, “physical information” is a kind of reflection (see 
“Theory of reflections” of T.Pavlov). 
    Every reflection may be assumed as information iff (if and only if) there 
exist a subjective information expectation to be resolved by given reflection.
    For physical information this low is not satisfied. Because of this, I 
prefer to call this phenomenon simply “a reflection”. 

    And so on ...


    Human been invented too much kinds of prostheses including ones for our 
intellectual functionalities, i.e. many different kinds of electronic devices 
which, in particular, can generate some electrical, light, etc. impulses, which 
we assume as “information”; usually a combination of impulses we assume as s 
structure to be recognized by us as “information”.  

    A special kind of prostheses are Robots. They have some autonomous 
functionalities but are still very far from living consciousness. The level of 
complexity of robot’s consciousness is far of human’s one. Someone may say that 
robots understand and exchange “information”, but still they only react on 
incoming signals following the instructions given by humans. Theirs functioning 
is similar to human ones but only similar. They may recognize some structures 
of signals and exchange such ones with other robots or living creatures. Maybe 
someone wants to call this “information exchange”, but, after Shannon, I call 
this “sending and/or receiving signals”. And automatic reaction to signals. 

    One may say, the Robot (Computer) memory  contains information but really 
it does not contain anything – it has its own structure which can be changed 
temporally of permanently by external electrical impulses.
    Is the human memory the same – a structure which can be changed temporally 
of permanently by external or internal signals? I think – yes, It is!
    What is the difference? Why we may say that the living creatures process 
information but not living couldn’t? 
    The answer is: because the living creatures may create and resolve the 
“information expectation” with very high level of complexity. 
    Maybe in the future robots will can do it ...
    Such robot I call “INFOS”. It will be artificial living creature. Possibly 
with some biological elements.   

    It will be very interesting and amazing to see how the can can drink beer 
:-) And very dangerous – where the beer will be kept if the can can drink it?

    I hope, now it is clear why I assert that (now!) non-living objects COULD 
NOT “exchange information”.

    Friendly regards


    From: Karl Javorszky 
    Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 8:24 PM
    To: Alex Hankey 
    Cc: Krassimir Markov ; Arturo Tozzi ; FIS Webinar 
    Subject: Re: [Fis] non-living objects COULD NOT “exchange information”

    1) Let me second to the point Alex raises:

    machines, computers, do exchange information. It would be against cultural 
conventions to say that the notification that the refrigerator sends to your 
phone's app "to-do-list" of the content "milk only 0.5 liter available" is not 
an information.

    The signals my car's pressure sensor sends to my dashboard, saying "tire 
pressure front right wheel is critically low" is a clear case of information, 
whether I read it or not.

    2) Let me add to the point Alex states, namely that the "form of 
information that I presented to FiS a year ago offers the only scientifically 
based,mathematical physics form of 'information' that I have personally seen in 
the scientific literature", (Alex, will you please restate in the present 
context, for the present discussion, your formulation) the following:

    I have given in my work "Natural orders - de ordinibus naturalibus" (ISBN 
9783990571378) the following definition of the term "information":             Information is a description of what is not the case. 
[Let x = ak. This is a statement, no information contained. Let x = ak and k 
<symbol for is_included_in> {1,2,...,k,...,n}. This statement contains the 
information k <symbol for is_not_included_in>{1,2,...,k-1,k+1,...,n}.]

    (Sorry for the included & not-included symbols not making it thru the 
simplified  text editor in use here.)


    2017-03-24 18:51 GMT+01:00 Alex Hankey <>:

      BUT, in common parlance, computers and mobile phones 'exchange 
information' (in the abstract, digital sense) all the time. Including this 

      If you wish to cleanly restrict yourself to semantic content, the the 
form of information that I presented to FiS a year ago offers the only 
scientifically based,mathematical physics form of 'information' that I have 
personally seen in the scientific literature. 

      Best wishes, 

      Alex Hankey 

      On 24 March 2017 at 15:25, Krassimir Markov <> wrote:

        Dear Arturo and FIS Colleagues,
        Let me remember that:
        The basic misunderstanding that non-living objects could “exchange  
information” leads to many principal theoretical as well as psychological 
        For instance, photon could exchange only energy and/or reflections !
        Sorry for this n-th my remark ... 
        Friendly greetings

        Sent: Friday, March 24, 2017 4:52 PM
        Subject: [Fis] I: Re: Is information truly important?

          Dear  Lars-Göran, 
          I prefer to use asap my second FIS bullet, therefore it will be my 
last FIS mail for the next days. 

          First of all, in special relativity, an observer is NOT by definition 
a material object that can receive and store incoming energy from other 

          In special relativity, an observer is a frame of reference from which 
a set of objects or events are being measured.  Speaking of an observer is not 
specifically hypothesizing an individual person who is experiencing events, but 
rather it is a particular mathematical context which objects and events are to 
be evaluated from. The effects of special relativity occur whether or not there 
is a "material object that can recieve and store incoming energy from other 
objects" within the inertial reference frame to witness them.

          Furthermore, take a photon (traveling at speed light) that crosses a 
cosmic zone close to the sun.  The photon "detects" (and therefore can interact 
with) a huge sun surface (because of its high speed), while we humans on the 
Earth "detect" (and can interact with) a much smaller sun surface. 
          Therefore, the photon may exchange more information with the sun than 
the humans on the Earth: both the photon and the humans interact with the same 
sun, but they "detect" different surfaces, and therefore they may exchange with 
the sun a different information content.  
          If we also take into account that the photon detects an almost 
infinite, fixed time, this means once again that it can exchange much more 
information with the sun than we humans can.

          In sum, once again, information does not seem to be a physical 
quantity, rather just a very subjective measure, depending on the speed and of 
the time of the "observer".   


          Arturo Tozzi
          AA Professor Physics, University North Texas
          Pediatrician ASL Na2Nord, Italy
          Comput Intell Lab, University Manitoba

            ----Messaggio originale----
            Da: "Lars-Göran Johansson" <>
            Data: 24/03/2017 14.50
            A: ""<>
            Ogg: Re: [Fis] Is information truly important?

              24 mars 2017 kl. 13:15 skrev

              Dear Fisers, 
              a big doubt...

              We know that the information of a 3D black hole is proportional 
to its 2D horizon, according to the Bekenstein-Hawking equations.

              However, an hypotetical observer traveling at light speed (who 
watches a black hole at rest) detects a very large black hole horizon, due to 
Einstein's equations.
              Therefore, he detects more information from the black hole than 
an observer at rest, who sees a smaller horizon…
            An observer is by definition a material object that can recieve and 
store incoming energy from other objects. Since it requires infinite energy  to 
accelerate even a slighest object to the velocity of light, no observer can 
travel at the speed of light. That means that your thought experiment is based 
in inconsistent assumptions and no vaild conclusions from them can be drawn. 
            Lars-Göran Johansson

              In sum, information does not seem to be a physical quantity, 
rather just a very subjective measure...

              Arturo Tozzi
              AA Professor Physics, University North Texas
              Pediatrician ASL Na2Nord, Italy
              Comput Intell Lab, University Manitoba

              Fis mailing list

            Lars-Göran Johansson

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      Alex Hankey M.A. (Cantab.) PhD (M.I.T.)
      Distinguished Professor of Yoga and Physical Science,
      SVYASA, Eknath Bhavan, 19 Gavipuram Circle
      Bangalore 560019, Karnataka, India  
      Mobile (Intn'l): +44 7710 534195  
      Mobile (India) +91 900 800 8789

      2015 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences, 
Mathematics and Phenomenological Philosophy

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  Moisés André Nisenbaum
  Doutor em Ciência da Informação (IBICT/UFRJ)
  Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ
  Campus Rio de Janeiro


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