Dear FIS colleagues,

It was nice seeing these artistic oriented presentations (including Stan's! --I sort of remember having read a few years ago an elegant poem of him on entropy... am I right?). Hopefully, more people of the list will venture into this humanistic arena these vacation weeks. Thanks a lot to Bob for his stuff and for his recommendation of that very interesting neuroarcheologist (the invitation will be sent next days). I have also introduced the exchange that contained Joseph Brenner's self-introduction (as it was of general interest, and we usually re-enter these bilateral messages into the general list unless people explictly states the opposite). Besides, Joe's reference to the Trancoso meeting was important, as a mixed community of artists and scientists is taking form around that city, propelled by composer and architect Emanuel Pimenta, and some new projects launched there may be very relevant (let me mention the "low power society" theme by Giorgio Alberti, architect and consultant from Switzerland, newcomer to our list too).

New parties should remind that only two messages per week are allowed, and that unfortunately the spam filters may temporarily block their messages to the list (always to be addressed to If so, it is better not to insist, as these are Bayesian filters and may get tougher concerning your address/server. Myself or any other fis member may re-enter the rejected message. If the blocking persists, tell me, and an officier of the computing center here will grant an special clearance or "carte blanche" but only on a case by case basis. Well, this is a slow list, promoting quiet thinking, and these nuisances my be taken with a little bit of patience...

best regards


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