-- systems, information, emergence, cognition, semiotics, holism --

"New Chart, for Descartes"


This is the first 2/3 of a movie about how we see things.   
Essentially it is a "metaphysics" of information and organization in  
the biological and social sciences, developed as part of the standard  
grammar for an animated flow-chart energy language.

The last 1/3 will show some examples, touch on institutional  
economics and the very different type of systems in climate and  
ecology (i.e. flow-through webs,) and end with a very simple  
summary.  It will be posted shortly.

The little black bar at the bottom is for the time cursor and the  
symbol list, which I don't add until the animation is entirely finished.

After this one is finished, it's back to the more mundane stuff.

Here is the YouTube page with the bibliography:


Here is the complete list of videos, to date:


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