Ø  Would we risk political persecution if we modified the group's name from
"Foundations of Information Science" into "Foundations of the Science of
Order"? (Not that I propose such.) 

I would no longer participate. But that can be considered as an advantage!

> The interplay between order and disorder is what underlies information. 

What worries me about these rather philosophical discussions is the
confusion. In my opinion, order and disorder can be analyzed in terms of
information (entropical) processes. One can formulate the cybernetic
mechanisms that may lead from uncertainty (entropy) to organization and

I would formulate this as follows: the uncertainty contained in a
probability distribution contains an expected information content. This can
also be considered as a variation. From another perspective, this same
variation (probability distribution) can be considered as a selection,
namely, as the case which was deselected from the possible distributions. In
other words, a variation provides observation material with reference to an
expectation. The observable variation remains in the res extensa, but the
selection on the basis of expectations is res cogitans. 

Unlike variation, selection is deterministic. Thus, order can be generated
by selections operating upon selections. Some selections can be selected for
stabilization, and some stabilization can be selected for globalization

Thus, one can remain firmly on the Shannon-base of information theory for
explaining order and disorder. The in-between step is evolutionary
theorizing about variation and selection. When one reverses the reasoning
and wishes to explain uncertainty from order, one needs a lot of philosophy
in order to obscure the confusion. 

Best wishes, Loet


Loet Leydesdorff 

Professor, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communications Research (ASCoR)
Kloveniersburgwal 48, 1012 CX Amsterdam.
Tel. +31-20-525 6598; fax: +31-842239111

 <mailto:l...@leydesdorff.net> l...@leydesdorff.net ;
<http://www.leydesdorff.net/> http://www.leydesdorff.net/ 
Visiting Professor, ISTIC,  <http://www.istic.ac.cn/Eng/brief_en.html>
Beijing; Honorary Fellow, SPRU,  <http://www.sussex.ac.uk/spru/> University
of Sussex 



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