Hi Gavin,

I am having trouble following your implicit argument about "meaning information 
theory".  I do understand your complaint about "evidence, tests, corroboration 
and corresponding logic and mathematics", although I'm not sure I agree that 
things are so bleak.  The 'implicit' part I detect (please let me know if I am 
wrong) is that you seem to be confounding meaningfulness (semantics) with a 
physical basis for information.  I personally embrace the notion that 
information can only exist as physically manifested structure and process 
(negentropy), but I don't connect meaningfulness to the existence of 
information.  I see meaning as something that might or might not become 
attached to information when it is perceived.  In fact, I think Shannon was 
focused on meaning, rather than the physicality of information.  He was, after 
all, working on codes and code-breaking.  Are you indeed tying physical 
manifestation of information to meaningfulness?  If so, why?



From: Gavin Ritz <garr...@xtra.co.nz<mailto:garr...@xtra.co.nz>>
Reply-To: Gavin Ritz <garr...@xtra.co.nz<mailto:garr...@xtra.co.nz>>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 15:33:01 -0700
To: 'Christophe Menant' 
Foundations of Information Science Information Science 
Subject: [Fis] Meaning Information Theory ---From Gavin

Hi there Christophe
Thank you for your papers I have had a look through them to identify the 
propositions and arguments.

And I guess this is what my contention is none of this is based on any 
evidence, tests, corroboration and corresponding logic and mathematics.

It does not look like we are any further down the road that Ogden & Richards 
(the Meaning of Meaning-1923) or Plotkin (Darwin Machines 1993) 70 years later.

I have delved into many of the original papers around information and cannot 
find any corroborative evidence or propositions with logical arguments that can 
highlight the concept of information per se as presented by the meaning 
informationists(those that are not proposing Shannon’s theory).

If we are going into the concept of meaning that would include, human 
knowledge, learning and creativity (is learning acreative act?) etc.

Your final conclusions are that you need some notion of constraint, possibly 
the co-limit, subobject classifier, object-arrow, associativity, and identity 
of Mathematical Category Theory.

Afterthought, the concept of meaning information also includes this concept of 
memes presented by Dawkins in Chapter 11 in the Selfish Gene, there is not on 
scrap of evidence or tests, or any factual data to conclude that the concept of 
memes are anything but a conjecture.

Dear Gavin,
As you find some interest for a "Theory of Meaningful Information", it may be 
pertinent to recall a systemic approach to meaning generation:
When a system submitted to a constraint (stay alive, avoid obstacle, ...) 
receives from its environment an information that has a connection with the 
constraint , it generates a meaning (a meaningful information) that willl be 
used to implement an action aimed at satisfying the constraint.
It’s this I don’t understand, where is the evidence and the tests to prove this 
proposition. How do we know that this is what a biological system does? Where 
is the evidence?

I have searched to find evidence for this statement  “receives information from 
its environment”. It just cannot be proved, plainly there’s something wrong 


The approach makes available a simple Meaning Generator System applicable to 
all cases where you can define the system and the constraint. Is not Shannon 
information theory. It links with Dretske and philosophy of mind. It has been 
used in several evolutionary approaches.
2003 Entropy paper on subject: http://www.mdpi.org/entropy/papers/e5020193.pdf
2010 short paper: http://crmenant.free.fr/ResUK/MGS.pdf
Part of IACAP 2011 presentation: http://cogprints.org/7584/
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 18:22:08 +0200
From: pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es<mailto:pcmarijuan.i...@aragon.es>
To: fis@listas.unizar.es<mailto:fis@listas.unizar.es>
Subject: [Fis] [Fwd: Re: FW: Meaning Information Theory] ---From Gavin

Message from Gavin Ritz


On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 12:02 AM, Gavin Ritz 
<garr...@xtra.co.nz<mailto:garr...@xtra.co.nz>> wrote:

Stan, John list members

I have had a number of off list email dialogue with list members, from this
list and others.

There seems to be a group of listers that have a Theory of Meaningful
Information (It’s not Shannon’s mathematical Information theory), it’s all
about meaning and electrical communication (I guess in this case

The common links seem to be Dawkins, Dennett, Searle and a few others.

Does anyone have any clear propositions, with their logical arguments,
evidence. tests, corroboration, modeling, conceptual mathematics, proofs,
for this Meaning Theory of Information. It also seems to include memes.

I am unable to find any clear propositions with their proofs, it all seems
like smoke and mirrors too me. At one point it becomes sort of Shannon’s
mathematical theory then it spoofs into something like Philosophy meaning
arguments (Like Ogden Richards), then it spoofs into living matter and DNA,
then reappears as cultural units, then energy/matter representations.

Is The Meaning Information Theory a shape shifter. Is it the one size fits
all, theory.

What exactly is this Theory, where did it come from, what is it, what is its
proposition, and if there is one how can it be tested, corroborated, where
and how can we gather the evidence.



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