(letter from Zhao Chuan)

Dear Pedro, dear Krassimir, dear Beth, Ted, Capurro, Yixin, and dear all FIS Colleagues,

            I am Zhao Chuan, Do you remember I have send a mail to “Dear Krassimir and FIS Colleagues” February 16-20, 2011? And received many replies for the mail and we go on discuss in the Net months.    Now I have some good news and development should mention to you.

            We created an Intelligence Science Laboratory (ISL) at Sep. 30, 2011, Chengdu University of technology. I am so excited that we have a real stage to study such foundational interdisciplinary questions. I have so many to say to you. Let me list some development, my dear leagues:

1.       Jan. 13-15 Denis Mair visited the new ISL. And we have a Chengdu Though Meetings in our lab and in a nice tea house. There are many different scholars. He took about Yijing and we discuss many such as fractal, poem, intelligence, approach the hard core of philosophy and so on. That is a wonderful process. A real free intelligence experiment --- go on as an echo to Krassimir.

2.       I received a support project as the title: the NLU study based on Semantics and Literature. For during my long study in Natural language Understanding field, I found that the rules of language are in bigger scope than syntax, even to literature. This is a natural science project of 2013. I have been encouraged first and deeply from its permission.  

3.       I gave a lecture to students of our university, as “Poem, though and poetical thought” it is a poem lecture but an academic lecture, for here “thought” what I mean are Heidegger ’s thought and intelligence.

4.       2011 I begin a new special subject for graduate student, that there is a student and this autumn a fresh one should come. The student have worked a whole year to study the mails in our FIS, he read, try to understand, translate in Chinese, talk about in every week my group seminar; and this term while I instruct undergraduate students, there is a student like the title of “FIS Forum Review”. And alone and together study with the graduate student, he finished such a paper. It is left in my lab to instruct “what is FIS”. He combed six points to state. I call them six pearls! The three young FISers like, wonder and be delighted with the FIS views.

5.       It should an interesting development that we held a discussion as “Face to Future – New Science and Science Fiction”. I like Science fiction (SF) as a girl. And now it is the opportunity science help SF, and as if saying: “hi, perhaps what you are faction is not too nice, perhaps you should think alone this new direction”. After the discussion, the editors of the magazine “Science Fiction World” took the paper upper of FIS Review away.     

6.       Prf. Mihir, the Indian mathematician I have mentioned in mail as an old friend, will visit ISL and do collaboration learning, at August 20-25 and Sep. 1-5. This time we want to discuss soft computing, universal logic, formalization of orient logic and so on. If it is possible I should call few scholars meet to discuss the integrity of physical entropy and information entropy.    

These are some study and activities during this two years, report to you, our FISers! It is difficult magical art to integrate! After organized such activities there are special exiting and special tired, both are not easy described. so we should do more of such explore, they are the hard and glory of FIS.  

Best wishes,

                                         sincerely    Zhao Chuan   

July 8, 2012      


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