Dear Bi,

On 12 Nov 2013, at 09:55, bilin1001 wrote:

>  Dear Raquel,
>  I am also a PhD student, in Information Philosophy. My Thesis deals  
> with
> "Mutual Meaning Space" in social exchanges (interpersonal  
> communication).
>  I am very interested in your work on the necessity of conversation:  
> do
>  you have empirical data about that?

Sex, which can be seen as molecular conversation, is an empirical data  
for the necessity of conversation, taken as exchange of information  
(DNA). Bacteria do it, either directly, or through viruses (the "GSM"  
of the bacterium).  Its main role is in the sped up of creating  
theories (the genome), and being able to refute them as much quickly  
Is there a first person notion associated with it? Probably. Hard to  

Best wishes,


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