Dear FIS colleagues,

The current session has raised quite a few interesting points, 
particularly about communication. A new consensus looms... and that 
means good news for planning future discussions about the topic. 
However, as someone said "all good things should come to an end", the 
ongoing session has been around for quite a few weeks and it is time to 
close it. Thanks a lot to Raquel for her valiant & useful presentation; 
it is an example that other young PhDs are going to follow. Thanks to 
all the other participants too. In due time a new discussion session 
will be announced --tentatively on Quantum Bayesianism, chaired by Hans 
von Baeyer.

During the coming days (Christmas time in Western countries)  interested 
parties may continue with the list exchanges, always within the two 
messages per week limitation.

best wishes


Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 6818

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