-------- Mensaje original --------
Asunto:         Re: [Fis] Informational Bookkeeping
Fecha:  Mon, 8 Sep 2014 09:51:28 -0400
De:     Jerry LR Chandler <jerry_lr_chand...@me.com>
A:      Raquel del Moral <rdelmoral.i...@aragon.es>


The bookkeeping of cells and all other living creatures is in terms of atomic 

The exactness of this bookkeeping is ensured by the physical laws of the 
conservation of mass and the conservation of electricity.

The method of bookkeeping is by the principles of relatonomics (a term coined 
for the purpose of bookkeeping by the electrical content of the atomic numbers.)



On Sep 8, 2014, at 8:11 AM, Raquel del Moral<rdelmoral.i...@aragon.es>  wrote:

 Dear Pedro,

 The concept of bookkeeping looks very interesting for biology, however, I can't see 
clearly how to apply it below the level of nervous systems. "Counting" maybe 
found in most biomolecules, but really registering in a book keeping manner is possible 
in the lower levels? e.g. unicellulars. Do you think that they modify their behaviour 
after checking their own bookkeeping registers?

 Just this brief comment!


 El 05/09/2014 14:14, Pedro Marijuan escribió:
 Dear FIS colleagues,

 A very interesting comment by Bob about "energy as a bookkeeping device"
 in the other discussion track motivates these rough reflections.

 Actually, within the "culture of mechanics" (following Frank Wilczek)
 energy appears as the more reliable concept, beyond its cousins force
 and mass. Mechanics, like most scientific theories, finally is but a
 method to "count" upon variable aspects of simplified phenomena and
 provide inter-subjective "objectivity"(?). Numbers are due to our mental
 "counting" operations; and concepts, formulas and theories become
 bookkeeping devices to obtain more complex counting that dovetail with
 more complex phenomena. That our mental counting dovetails with nature's
 pretended "counting" is what the experimental side of science tries to
 establish. It becomes of great merit that energy constructs such as
 those mentioned by Bob do their bookkeeping accurately, in spite of
 their intrinsic limitations.

 My concern with the views expressed in the other track is that
 "informational bookkeeping" appears to be rather different from the
 mechanical physical bookkeeping or counting. There are new aspects not
 covered by the "extensive" and "inflexible" mechanical-dynamic counting,
 and which are essential to the new informational organizations we are
 discovering --and practicing around-- and to the new worldview that
 presumably we should search and promote. Is there bookkeeping in life?
 Do molecules count? Do bacteria or unicellulars bookkeep--and organisms?
 And complex brains? And individuals? And social groups? And companies
 and markets? And cities, regions and countries?

 Admittedly it is a potpourri; but yes, there are some clear instances
 where quite explicit a bookkeeping is maintained. It may be about
 signaling flows, about self production stuff flows, or about their
 inextricable mixing--involving whatever aspects. But these bookkeepings
 are made with "attentional" flexibility and different "closure"
 procedures that allow for new forms of compositional hierarchy
 ("informational") not found in the mechanical. They are "adaptive", they
 "recognize", they are productively engaged in "life cycles" where the
 "meaning" is generated, they co-create new existential realms... In our
 own societies, the  exaggerated importance of new informational devices
 (historically: numbers, alphabets, books, calculi, computers, etc.)
 derives from their facilitation and acceleration of all the enormous
 bookkeeping activities that subtend the social complexity around.

 Who knows, focusing on varieties of bookkeeping might be quite productive!

 best ---Pedro

 *Pedro C. Marijuán Fernández*
 Dirección de Investigación

 Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS)
 Instituto de Investigación Sanitaria Aragón (IIS Aragón)
 Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
 Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta 1
 50009 Zaragoza
 Tfno. +34 976 71 4857
 email. dirinvestigacion.i...@aragon.es

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-- ---------------------------------------------------------
 Raquel del Moral
 Grupo de Bioinformacion / Bioinformation Group

 Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
 Avda. San Juan Bosco 13, 50009 Zaragoza
 Tfno. +34 976 71 44 76
 E-mail. rdelmoral.i...@aragon.es

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