At 9:14 PM 09/05/2014, Pedro wrote:

Who knows, focusing on varieties of bookkeeping might be quite productive!

[KM] Pedro, your kick was loud enough to waken me up from my long
hibernation. Suppose there are many things popping up here and there
concurrently with no synchronization among them on the spot. Then, we would
be totally at a loss what to do when asked to tell what is going on there.
One plan as a last resort would be to make an appeal to a scheme of
synchronization even if conceivable out of the blue. One candidate would be
Bob U's energy, in reference to which we can safely say which are
synchronized and which are sequential. One more candidate of this sort might
be a reaction cycle of a natural origin, since any component reaction going
round the cycle is ipso facto made synchronous with the occurrence of the
cycle itself.    


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