PS: Oops, slight misstatement re B convection. Of course the gradient
can be reduced by the convection process.

On 1/10/15, Terrence W. DEACON <> wrote:
> Hi Stan,
> T: Thanks for the references. I am embarrassed to say that I don't
> think that I have read the two by Kampis. I will post references for
> the MEPP critiques and counter-examples later next week. I am in Oslo
> at the moment and don't have many resources at my disposal. Since MEPP
> is not the point of the paper and the information proposal is not
> dependent on which interpretation of MEPP we accept, we should
> probably continue this aspect of the discussion off list (perhaps with
> Guy and my colleague Koutroufinis) so that it doesn't clog up the
> discussion space [any feedback on this use from our moderator?].
> For now I offer these further responses.
> S: "... does not go below the fastest non-damaging rates, therefore is
> ‘maximizing given constraints' "
> T: Not sure that I am interpreting you correctly here. Would altering
> its dissipation constraints qualify as "damaging" since it alters the
> dissipation pathways and the rate of dissipation? Does "maximizing
> given constraints" include changing these constraints in the process
> of dissipation? If the answer is 'yes' to these questions then we are
> on the same page, and it suggests that life is very different than
> self-organized dissipative processes that do not alter their own
> dissipation paths.
> T: Do you equate "maximize access to the energy gradient it is using"
> with maximizing the rate these gradients are dissipated? I think these
> are different,
> T: Benárd convection evolves increasing dynamical constraint as heat
> increases above the critical threshold. These internally generated
> constraints dissipate in the form of exported entropy as the system
> destroys the gradient and subsequently cools down. The external
> constraints such as the gradient between the heat source and
> atmospheric sink, and the properties of the fluid are of course not
> typically altered by the dynamics.
> T: I tend to substitute the term 'constraint' for 'organization'
> because of its greater generality.
> T: By 'formal' I mean not physico-chemical. The synergy constraint is
> relational and substrate neutral. t can be instantiated in many
> different material substrates with many different configurations so
> long as the complementary relationship is maintained.
> — Terry
> On 1/10/15, Stanley N Salthe <> wrote:
>> Terry -- Replying
>> T: Stan: Abiotic dissipative structures will degrade their gradients as
>> fast as possible given the bearing constraints. They are unconditional
>> maximizers. Life that has survived has been able to apply conditions upon
>> its entropy production, but that does not mean that it has enacted energy
>> conservation or energy efficiency policies.  Its mode is still
>> maximizing,
>> but within limits.
>> Your phrases "given the bearing constraints" and "within limits" are the
>> critical issues to be focused on in my opinion [as I noted in my response
>> to Guy].
>> S: Yes.
>> T: But I do indeed argue that living processes can and do enact entropy
>> rate regulating mechanisms. This is of course an empirical question, and
>> S: Do you know the multiple papers by Adrian Bejan?  He has shown that in
>> all systems (he has tackled LARGE numbers of them, including the living),
>> the system organizes so as to maximize access to the energy gradient it
>> is
>> using.  I think that this is exactly what MEPP would predict.
>> T: I have seen studies suggesting both results. My point is only that
>> autogenesis (which I use as a proxy for the simplest life-like dynamic)
>> S: Do you know these papers on autogenesis?  They were dissatisfied with
>> autopoiesis because it did not admit evolutionary change.
>> Csányi, V. and G. Kampis (1989).  Autogenesis: the evolution of
>> replicative
>> systems. Journal of Theoretical Biology 114: 303-321.
>> Kampis, G., 1991. Self-modifying Systems in Biology and Cognitive
>> Science:
>> A New  Framework for Dynamics, Information and Evolution. London:
>> Pergamon
>> Press.
>> T: is a dissipative system that regulates the boundary constraints on its
>> rate of dissipation, and that this non-linearity is a critical
>> game-changer.
>> S: Regulates downward from physical maxima, but does not go below the
>> fastest non-damaging rates, therefore is ‘maximizing given constraints’,
>> T: In particular, for this discussion, I argue that this
>> constraint-ratcheting effect—where a distinctive dynamical configuration
>> can change the boundary constraints on its own constraint dissipation
>> tendency—
>> S: This is not clear.  Constraints are usually not thought of as
>> dissipatable.  Perhaps an example?
>> T: is what makes reference and significance possible. The resulting
>> higher
>> order synergy constraint is neither a physical nor chemical constraint,
>> but
>> a formal constraint.
>> S: By “formal” I Take it you mean organizational or structural.
>> T: Because of this it is thereby
>> S: ‘Could thereby be’ ?
>>  substrate transferrable so that reference and significance are
>> maintainable despite complete replacement of physical substrates, i.e.
>> via
>> reproduction.
>> S: Would an example be the use of yolk in embryos?
>>  Without this property biological evolution is not possible.
>> S: Is the property in question the “formal” organization?
>> On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 3:42 AM, Terrence W. DEACON <>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Stan,
>>> Stan: Abiotic dissipative structures will degrade their gradients as
>>> fast
>>> as possible given the bearing constraints. They are unconditional
>>> maximizers. Life that has survived has been able to apply conditions
>>> upon
>>> its entropy production, but that does not mean that it has enacted
>>> energy
>>> conservation or energy efficiency policies.  Its mode is still
>>> maximizing,
>>> but within limits.
>>> Terry:  Your phrases "given the bearing constraints" and "within limits"
>>> are the critical issues to be focused on in my opinion [as I noted in my
>>> response to Guy]. But I do indeed argue that living processes can and do
>>> enact entropy rate regulating mechanisms. This is of course an empirical
>>> question, and I have seen studies suggesting both results. My point is
>>> only
>>> that autogenesis (which I use as a proxy for the simplest life-like
>>> dynamic) is a dissipative system that regulates the boundary constraints
>>> on
>>> its rate of dissipation, and that this non-linearity is a critical
>>> game-changer.
>>> In particular, for this discussion, I argue that this
>>> constraint-ratcheting effect—where a distinctive dynamical configuration
>>> can change the boundary constraints on its own constraint dissipation
>>> tendency—is what makes reference and significance possible. The
>>> resulting
>>> higher order synergy constraint is neither a physical nor chemical
>>> constraint, but a formal constraint. Because of this it is thereby
>>> substrate transferrable so that reference and significance are
>>> maintainable
>>> despite complete replacement of physical substrates, i.e. via
>>> reproduction.
>>> Without this property biological evolution is not possible.
>>> — Terry
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> --
> Professor Terrence W. Deacon
> University of California, Berkeley

Professor Terrence W. Deacon
University of California, Berkeley

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