Caro Chuan e cari Tutti,
"La scienza è ricerca e la ricerca è poetica" è un'espressione che
sintetizza quanto ho scritto in tutti i miei messaggi e soprattutto
nell'e-mail del 20 marzo scorso. La scienza diventa poesia o musica quando
raggiunge il massimo o sublime livello. L'essenza umana e/o la volontà
subconscia sono caotiche fino a quando non vengono sottoposte al principio
della forma o al processo di tras-informazione. Il contrasto o la
dialettica tra determinazione e indeterminazione formale è alla base della
creazione artistica della scienza (economica) come il primo capitolo di
"Valore e valutazioni" (F. Rizzo, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 4 ed. 2010)
com-prova. Quest'attività creativa implica una imprescindibile riflessione
sui meccanismi del nostro cervello, giustificando l'interdipendenza tra la
fase cosciente e l'inconscio secondo la partecipazione personale e
soggettiva degli uomini nel contesto spazio-temporale in cui vivono e
Un grazie affettuoso.
Francesco Rizzo

2015-04-08 2:09 GMT+02:00 赵川 <>:

> Dear Joseph, Pedro, Prof. Zhong, and dear All FISer Leaguers,
>         Just as in the summer of 1956, in Dartmouth College, many
> interdisciplinary scholars met and has a tow-months long discussion and
> contributed the concept/direction as Artificial Intelligence. This spring
> of 2015, in Internet world wide, we FIS leaguers’ minds met/worked in
> Internet, we focused the concept /term of Intelligence Science. And tried
> preliminarily to made sure Intelligence science’s mission,range, the
> relation of IS and IS, FIS and FIS, relation with AI and other fields. Such
> mails with deep thought and wide horizon are “Foundational” and ”Frontier”
> both.
> 1.      In the finish of our discussion allow me put the “kickoff file”
> (dear Pedro’s analogy. I enjoy it.) in the attachment prepared with Pedro
> and Joseph before the beginning of our session. Forgive me that I have not
> enough strength to sort the questions this time yet. Perhaps very soon
> after out discussion finish I should integrate them with the new questions
> emerged in our session.
> 2.      Allow me announce again here to form a “National Scientist’s
> Poetry group”. It is the time try to initiate it with now more academic
> leagues in our discussion session. Let me put the mail of July 12, 2014
> that can make sure my wish:
> Dear scientist-poets and poet-scientists,
>         After I wrote a mail to Joseph to report the news Prof. Mihir
> Chacraborty visited my university. Then I forwarded it to Denis Mire, I
> want to call him “where are you?”, I think of perhaps this can forward to
> Gerhard,Besiau,…etc. So now touch many fiends and leagues!
>         I think of perhaps we should form an “πpoem association”. Because
> we are in different countries though we all in one poetical field, it
> should be an “InternationalπPoem Association”.
>         Do you think this is a good idea? I wish hear your echoes.
>         Our Intelligence Science Laboratory (I work in Chengdu University
> of Technology) should be 3 years. I think of to edit something to
> congratulate. One is a small poem collection of scientist. Science is
> research and research is poetical. Could you allowed and perhaps can share
> me more new poems?
>         Not serious publish kind. Just collect to please to encourage and
> accompany ourselves. We are too heavy to enjoy poetical feeling. It is a
> bunch of flowers instead of a cold book.
>         Making a good cup of tea, water is needed and should be enough.
> Now our science study condition is too much tea and too few water. So that
> the tea soup is bitter, not faint scent.
> Yes, Prof. Mihir invited me and another poet to join the International
> Poetical Conference January 2015 in Calcutta, India. If I join it, I should
> take our information of poem from Science to the conference.
>         It is still an inspiration. Something is possible.
>         Best wishes and good summer,
>                                              Zhao chuan
>       July 12, 2014
> I sent it to many friends as scientist-poets and poet-scientists. That day
> and till now, there was only an echo from Joseph. He welcomed it and
> suggested then that we can have such a poetry group first. Near a year
> pasted, nether a ”πpoem association” nor a Scientist’ Poetry Group/society,
> no matter what style or name, the wish is the same. I love science and poem
> both, and I have seen so many excellent poems from scientists, they are so
> important poets and poems to our civilization. Yes, important, for normal
> poets as humanist can’t understand science straightly, can’t bear the press
> of scientist. Such scientist and their poems form new literature and new
> science the same. We should not ignore such precious resource of hearts, of
> intelligence, of their meaning they bringing as information. They are
> powerful and efficient.
> 3.      Here a star, there a star, By the way let me point another stars
> for you and please add/invite them to our FIS liker. They are: Mihir
> Chacraborty <>, Denis Mire <>, Liu Yu <
>>, and "Beziau" I think with their join
> our IFS Forum should have more energy and enough dimensions. About them
> more details later.
>         Then we should finish our FIS discussion session (Frontiers of
> Intelligence Science) in FIS (Foudation of Information Science). Dear
> Pedro, Let this discussion finish naturally perhaps it should last one or
> two weeks. Then we can begin new session, above most FISers should work to
> prepare for the Vienna conference. As a Chair of this “the Frontiers of
> Intelligence Science” discussion session I am so glory and happy. Thanks
> for our FIS Chair and respected Joseph, thanks for your reliance; Thanks
> for Prof. Zhong, we share the main direction/goal of Intelligence Science
> with our international leaguers together; thanks for so many FISers
> exchanged excited ideas in this discussion, yes, I feel our discussion as
> beautiful like aurora, we shining each other; Thanks for all FISers! Thanks
> for such an unparalleled opportunity for Intelligence Science, for
> Information Science and for all of us, of course for the new book; Thanks
> for the FIS System though it always rejected my mails with attachment. As
> Pedro warmed it do not like attachment. This time I should beg it allow the
> kickoff file pass.
> Thanks and Cheers!
> Chuan
> April 8, 2015
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