Dear colleagues, 


For the measurement of interdisciplinarity, one can use, for example,
Rao-Stirling diversity which is defined as follows (Rao, 1982; Stirling,


Δ = Σij pi pj dij                                           (1)


where dij is a disparity measure between two classes i and j-the categories
are in the case below journals-and pi is the proportion of elements assigned
to each class i. As the disparity measure, we use the distances on an
aggregated journal-journal citation map (Leydesdorff, Heimeriks, & Rotolo,
in press; Leydesdorff, Rafols, & Chen, 2013). 


For example, 23 publications can be retrieved as of today with the search
string "au=Marijuan P*" at WoS. The journal map is as follows: 




and the Rao-Stirling diversity ("interdisciplinarity") of this set is 01282.


If I repeat the analysis with the search string "au=leydesdorff l*", I
retrieve 270 documents; Rao-Stirling diversity is 0.0805.





In other words, Leydesdorff is more prolific than Marijuan in terms of WoS
publications, but Marijuan's portfolio is more interdisciplinary than


One finds the relevant software at 


Leydesdorff, L., Heimeriks, G., & Rotolo, D. (2015 (in press)). Journal
Portfolio Analysis for Countries, Cities, and Organizations: Maps and
Comparisons <> . Journal of the Association
for Information Science and Technology. 

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