Dear Pedro, Dear Loet and All,

My thanks first to Pedro for his note, especially for its emphasis on the 
necessity of scholarly style. I thank Loet also for what may be a quite 
unexpected result of my partial defense of his approach, his restatement of the 
Cartesian dualistic position. This brings out some differences, whose value may 
now be discussed, with the non-Cartesian dualisms of LIR.

Thus I agree that reality includes the res cogitans, and also physics as a 
science as much as the object of physics, the res extensa. Uncertainty is, I 
think, in reality, and not in our inability to define position and momentum at 
the same time, vs. a unitary reality. It is perhaps easier to see in complex 
emerging situations: the outcome of this discussion is uncertain, as we move 
between something like knowledge and something like ignorance.  I assume  (Loet 
please correct me) that the concept of the res cogitatum, the thing thought, 
applied to the res cogitans, allows for self-reference.

The discussion now turns on the question of access. In contrast to Loet's 
reading, Logic in Reality says that we have access to nature, the res extensa, 
but not only as a referent to the former via discourse, epistemologically. In 
addition, despite our incapacity of interacting directly with nature at 
microphysical levels of reality, the laws which govern change at our level are 
isomorphous with those at ours, making possible some cognition of nature, 
ontologically, due to our inseparability from it. 

Information, in this view, refers to the various processes that constitute both 
'the act and the fact' of this access, and its subsequent processing at higher 
levels of complexity (not abstraction). I see some of the difficulties in 
semiotic approaches as coming from assuming that the necessary stage of 
interpretation of information is not also a natural cognitive process following 
the same rules as those at lower levels.

As I have tried to argue previously but look forward to doing again ;-), such a 
view is relevant to Terry Deacon's approach to the dynamics of information, 
adding something to the 'how' side, but there is a lot more to be done here.

Best wishes,


----- Original Message ----- 
From: Loet Leydesdorff 
To: 'Joseph Brenner' ; 'fis' 
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:42 PM
Subject: RE: [Fis] It from Bit redux . . . Loss of Information

Dear Joe and colleagues, 


It “flamed” a bit. Thank you for the intervention. The confusion is not only 
ours, but also in the literature. Indeed, we should not blame each other for it.


I know that you wish to ground information in “reality”: “logic in reality” or 
LIR. But I understood during the conference for the first time, that “reality” 
then includes res cogitans. For example, “uncertainty” would be “in reality” if 
I correctly understand you.


Would this imply that physics as a science would be part of the reality as 
would its object (“nature”)? I would classify the first as res cogitans (in 
this case, cogitatum) and the second as res extensa. But we have no access to 
the latter (“nature”) but as a referent to the former (discourse). Is this part 
of the logic in reality? Is that in the neighbourhood of what you mean with LIR?






Loet Leydesdorff 

Emeritus University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR) ; 
Honorary Professor, SPRU, University of Sussex; 

Guest Professor Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou; Visiting Professor, ISTIC, Beijing;

Visiting Professor, Birkbeck, University of London;


From: Fis [] On Behalf Of Joseph Brenner
Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 12:11 PM
To: fis
Subject: Re: [Fis] It from Bit redux . . . Loss of Information


Dear Colleagues and Reasoned Opponents,


A scientific position may be the object of rational disagreement and 
discussion, but the 'ganging up' of some individuals on a highly respected 
colleague is disgraceful and unacceptable. 


The formulation of Loet's comment was somewhat rapid, since the key questions 
are 'what physics, what mathematics (and what logic)". As Loet knows well, he 
and I do not agree on all issues surrounding information. Here I believe he 
might have been over-reacting to speakers at the conference who took 
superannuated postions on the physical grounding of information.


Among these positions is the idea that there must be exact, immutable 
defintions and terminology, as if we were not all involved in a complex 
learning process. Who is doing the alleged 'needless blurring of terms'? If 
after all this Abundis is still wondering how he can contribute, as he has 
already said, perhaps he should draw the obvious conclusion.


The inability to engage in civilized debate corresponds to an enormous LOSS of 
information in our Information Society. I would not blame the new media, since 
they are only tools, but they enable the very facile expression of some ideas 
better left for other venues.







  ----- Original Message ----- 

  From: Steven Ericsson-Zenith 

  To: Marcus Abundis 

  Cc: Foundations of Information Science Information Science 

  Sent: Monday, June 15, 2015 8:28 AM

  Subject: Re: [Fis] It from Bit redux . . .


  Trust me. You are in good company.







    On Jun 14, 2015, at 5:22 PM, Marcus Abundis <> wrote:


    From Loet's post: 

    >During the recent conference in Vienna, I was amazed how many of our 
colleagues wish to ground information in physics.<

    I would say that I was disappointed . . . 


    For me this exchange on It from Bit is problematic as its seems to simply 
revisit the same problem introduced with Shannon's use of the term 
“information“ in his Mathematical Theory of Communication – but dressed with a 
slightly different face. I had this same problem with “lack of precise 
thinking“ (or terminology?) in the It from Bit video from last month. This 
endless(?) debate around an old issue of “meaningful information“ versus 
“meaningless information“ (aka DATA awaiting MEANINGFUL interpretation) I find 
unhelpful in addressing FOUNDATIONAL issues. If we cannot keep our terms 
straight I am not sure how progress is made.


    Yes, of course physics has a place in the conversation, but the needless 
blurring of basic terms does not, I think, advance the project. If a basic 
nomenclature and/or taxonomy cannot be agreed and then abided in these 
conversations, it leaves me wondering how I might contribute. I am new to this 
group, but this seems like it should have been dealt with from the start in 
agreeing the FIS group goals.


                Marcus Abundis




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