Cari Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Pedro e Tutti,
proprio da qualche mese ho iniziato a scrivere un libro in cui, fra
l'altro, affronto ancora una volta il tema dell'informazione dell'armonia o
dell'armonia dell'informazione. Specialmente in questi giorni, dopo avere
passato in rassegna le diverse teorie del valore delle scuole o correnti
economiche che si sono succedute, sto rivisitando la mia teoria del valore
basata sui surplus generati dai quattro tipi di informazione: termodinamica
o naturale (neg-entropia), genetica (DNA-RNA-proteine), matematica (bit di
entropia) e semantica (significato ottenibile con un s-codice che si
sovrappone ad una fonte di informazione equiprobabile). In fondo, non
bisogna fare altre che una ri-unificazione del sapere come sostiene anche
Jerry Chandler. Ho sempre sostenuto che la natura e la società hanno
un'armonia meravigliosa, non inficiata dai disaccordi, dai contrasti e
dalle diversità pur esistenti. L'ultimo messaggio che ho inviato il 3
agosto a conclusione della discussione precedente ribadisce quindi
l'esigenza inderogabile di com-prendere il possibile tutto o il tutto
possibile con la fusione (non con la confusione) degli orizzonti.
Un grazie a Ericsson-Zenith per l'abile introduzione che ci ha offerto e a
Pedro, regista inimitabile di queste magnifiche iniziative.
Francesco Rizzo

2015-09-11 18:58 GMT+02:00 Robert E. Ulanowicz <>:

> I'll have to weigh in with Stan on this one. Stan earlier had defined
> information more generally as "constraint". It is convenient to employ the
> IT calculus to separate constraint from indeterminacy. This is possible in
> complete abstraction from anything to do with communication.
> The ability to make this separation has wide-ranging consequences. For
> example, it provides a pathway by which process philosophy can be brought
> to bear on quantitative physical systems! It is no longer necessary to
> rely solely on positivist "objects moving according to law". That's no
> small advance!
> <
> >
> The best,
> Bob
> > Pedro wrote"
> >
> >>Most attempts to enlarge informational thought and to extend it to life,
> > economies, societies, etc. continue to be but a reformulation of the
> > former
> > ideas with little added value.
> >
> > S: Well, I have generalized the Shannon concept of information carrying
> > capacity under 'variety'...  {variety {information carrying capacity}}.
> > This allows the concept to operate quite generally in evolutionary and
> > ecological discourses.  Information, then, if you like, is what is left
> > after a reduction in variety, or after some system choice.  Consider
> > dance:
> > we have all the possible conformations of the human body, out of which a
> > few are selected to provide information about the meaning of a dance.
> >
> > STAN
> >
> > STAN
> >
> > On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 8:22 AM, Pedro C. Marijuan <
> >> wrote:
> >
> >> Dear Steven and FIS colleagues,
> >>
> >> Many thanks for this opening text. What you are proposing about a pretty
> >> structured discussion looks a good idea, although it will have to
> >> confront the usually anarchic discussion style of FIS list! Two aspects
> >> of your initial text have caught my attention (apart from those videos
> >> you recommend that I will watch along the weekend).
> >>
> >> First about the concerns of a generation earlier (Shannon, Turing...)
> >> situating information in the intersection between physical science and
> >> engineering. The towering influence of this line of thought, both with
> >> positive and negative overtones, cannot be overestimated. Most attempts
> >> to enlarge informational thought and to extend it to life, economies,
> >> societies, etc. continue to be but a reformulation of the former ideas
> >> with little added value. See one of the last creatures: "Why Information
> >> Grows: The Evolution of Order, from Atoms to Economies" (2015), by Cesar
> >> Hidalgo (prof. at MIT).
> >>
> >> In my opinion, the extension of those classic ideas to life are very
> >> fertile from the technological point of view, from the "theory of
> >> molecular machines" for DNA-RNA-protein matching to genomic-proteomic
> >> and other omics'  "big data". But all that technobrilliance does not
> >> open per se new avenues in order to produce innovative thought about the
> >> information stuff of human societies. Alternatively we may think that
> >> the accelerated digitalization of our world and the cyborg-symbiosis of
> >> human information and computer information do not demand much brain
> >> teasing, as it is a matter that social evolution is superseding by
> >> itself.
> >>
> >> The point I have ocasionally raised in this list is whether all the new
> >> molecular knowledge about life might teach us about a fundamental
> >> difference in the "way of being in the world" between life and inert
> >> matter (& mechanism & computation)---or not. In the recent compilation
> >> by Plamen and colleagues from the former INBIOSA initiative,  I have
> >> argued about that fundamental difference in the intertwining of
> >> communication/self-production, how signaling is strictly caught in the
> >> advancement of a life cycle  (see paper "How the living is in the
> >> world"). Life is based on an inusitate informational formula unknown in
> >> inert matter. And the very organization of life provides an original
> >> starting point to think anew about information --of course, not the only
> >> one.
> >>
> >> So, to conclude this "tangent", I find quite exciting the discussion we
> >> are starting now, say from the classical info positions onwards, in
> >> particularly to be compared in some future with another session (in
> >> preparation) with similar ambition but starting from say the
> >> phenomenology of the living. Struggling for a
> >> convergence/complementarity of outcomes would be a cavalier effort.
> >>
> >> All the best--Pedro
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Steven Ericsson-Zenith wrote:
> >>
> >>> ...The subject is one that has concerned me ever since I completed my
> >>> PhD
> >>> in 1992. I came away from defending my thesis, essentially on large
> >>> scale
> >>> parallel computation, with the strong intuition that I had disclosed
> >>> much
> >>> more concerning the little that we know, than I had offered either a
> >>> theoretical or engineering solution.
> >>> For the curious, a digital copy of this thesis can be found among the
> >>> reports of CRI, MINES ParisTech, formerly ENSMP,
> >>>, it is also available
> >>> as a paper copy on Amazon.
> >>>
> >>> Like many that have been involved in microprocessor and instruction
> >>> set/language design, using mathematical methods, we share the physical
> >>> concerns of a generation earlier, people like John Von Neumann, Alan
> >>> Turing, and Claude Shannon. In other words, a close intersection
> >>> between
> >>> physical science and machine engineering.
> >>>
> >>> ...I will then discuss some historical issues in particular referencing
> >>> Benjamin Peirce, Albert Einstein and Alan Turing. And finally discuss
> >>> the
> >>> contemporary issues, as I see them, in biophysics, biology, and
> >>> associated
> >>> disciplines, reaching into human and other social constructions,
> >>> perhaps
> >>> touching on cosmology and the extended role of information theory in
> >>> mathematical physics...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> _______________________________________________
> >>> Fis mailing list
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> -------------------------------------------------
> >> Pedro C. Marijuán
> >> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
> >> Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
> >> Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
> >> Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
> >> 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
> >> Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)
> >>
> >>
> >> -------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> Fis mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >>
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> > Fis mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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