Dear Pedro and List,

A note to add that the momenta in Pedro's question of disciplinary scope is 
very much on my mind as I undertake the final structuring of the content of my 
book on this now very broad subject. This final restructuring has taken much of 
my attention over the past week or two, along with my continuing fight with a 
variety of medication effects, and so I must add an apology for the 
high-latency in my contributions.

Obviously there will be details missing and this question of locality and its 
absence across dynamic physical structure, leading to my proposal of a new 
universal aspect of nature such that it may drive a new (bio)mechanics, is 

In addition, the resolution of our instruments are not yet adequate to show the 
mechanics I speak of either in the organisms of interest to the current body of 
research or at the atomic level. I have only a limited ability to direct this 
research. I trust that I will be forgiven if I simply suggest the way ahead as 
these technologies evolve. 

When we do reach a capable resolution (hopefully in the not too distant future) 
I suggest, for example, that we will discover neither a discrete nor a smooth 
continuum but rather a dynamic knotted “disturbances and distortions of the 
continuum" in the world’s fundamental structure. And further, this inclusive 
model allows me to predict that we will place on this continuum, as the origin 
of both gravitation and sense/response, the single label “Light."

Because of this broad field of inquiry it can be considered a very active area 
of research and there are always new results to consider from a variety of 
sources - and this is where I have spent most of my time in the past ten years. 
For example, HHMI is a rich and diverse source and "Clique topology reveals 
intrinsic geometric structure in neural correlations" 
( has my attention today. I tend to steer away 
from detailed analysis of human neural structures, essentially because the 
degree of complexity is too high to manage without a more fundamental 
biophysical understanding first. For this reason I prefer the neural analysis 
of, say, biophysicist Dennis Bray over the attempts at explanation of 
mathematician Vladimir Itskov, although his highlight of the limits of 
conventional models of “neural” [sic] computation is very relevant. 

But the source of research study could have easily been the dynamics of blood 
flow in the human brain, the behavioral study and neural development of blinded 
kittens, a marine study of protists, jellyfish, plants or algae, the study of 
pain anomalies in genetically related families in Europe and Pakistan, the 
neural dysfunction of children in Canada, electroception by Zoologists in 
Australia, the bioengineering of digital counters in DNA strands or 
manipulation of other genetics in the labs at Stanford.  And I find the 
behavior of buffalo around a pond, or the empathetic or hunting social 
behaviors of sea mammals, as fascinating as human behavior manifest on Facebook.

It does seem relevant for me, however, to highlight just how my work on the 
allostery of biophysics and mathematical flexible closed structure, my 
particular view of the universal, informing, mathematics, sense and response, 
may be incorporated generally (appealing to the power of Wigner’s 
simplification) into the physical sciences and thus the general potential scope 
of endeavor that this may allow.  

Certainly, it seems to me, that this “as above, so below,” Eugene Wigner 
inspired, approach and the "general covariance” or “algebraic sum of physical 
laws” of Einstein and Benjamin Peirce, has allowed me to discover, as it did 
Maxwell for electrodynamics, simple mathematics of value able to get traction 
on the structure of the problem without being bogged down by the manifest 
complexities of biochemistry and metabolic thermodynamics.

Recalling always that despite my excursions into biology, social behavior, 
cosmology, and the depths of theoretical physics, that from the start I have 
labeled my work “The Foundations of Logic and Apprehension, informed by 
research in biophysics." And that my original motivating interest, apart from a 
confessed human curiosity, rests squarely in the large scale engineering 
problems and mathematics of process interaction in recognition and complex 
decision making in parallel computation. 

I understand how this endeavor may indeed seem a “crazy story” by conventional 
measures - it has certainly taken me "down the path least traveled" - but I 
trust that it will be taken in the truest spirit of scientific and mathematical 
investigation and inquiry.
It seems likely that I will be able to share this restructured (draft) Table Of 
Contents of my book, in which it will be seen that much of this momenta across 
discipline scope is covered, in the coming days, along with the additional 
notes I have promised. 


> On Oct 20, 2015, at 8:31 AM, Pedro C. Marijuan <> 
> wrote:
> Dear FISers,
> In response to the recent philosophical exchanges, and curiously waiting to 
> see how Steven solves his final posts (Benjamin Peirce is such an unjustly 
> forgotten figure, not to speak about his arch-famous son), let me try some 
> new "tangent" on the ongoing debate... I see but five different and 
> interrelated "momenta" that should be aligned for the hypothetical 
> advancement of the common info field.  The first one corresponds to 
> philosophy, as the critical playground where dissatisfaction with the 
> existing views should conduce to attempting more congenial new ways of 
> thinking. Unsolved problems of the sciences, when they are general and affect 
> several disciplines, easily generate philosophical debate--which can be 
> helpful to suggest new inroads. Saying clearly "nope" to some philosophical 
> and para-philosophical schools is quite valuable although it easily generates 
> irritation and obfuscation in the concerned parties (that ingredient of 
> "piquancy" also enlivens the debates).
> The second momentum would correspond to the biomolecular (primordials of life 
> and cellular organization). The third momentum would wrap around the 
> organismic and the neuronal (the evolutionary outcomes of multicellular life 
> up to advanced nervous systems). I think they are so obvious that do not 
> deserve further comment.
> The fourth momentum involves the roots of human sociality, up to the 
> historical development of social complexity. And the fifth momentum belongs 
> to the contemporary revolution around communication, information, etc. These 
> two social momenta are being egregiously forgotten in most of our debates 
> (not any more with the planned discussion sessions!)
> Unfortunately, none of those momenta --even looking too far away-- should be 
> left in the dark. Most of our discussions seem to deal with the instrumental 
> aspect, the math theories, constructs, and other knowledge bodies that may 
> help to characterize abstractly different structures and dynamics where some 
> classes of information seem to be involved. It is not difficult to achieve 
> some interesting results in those theoretical and para-theoretical realms... 
> but without connecting with some of those big momenta, trying to ride on 
> their impetus, it won't be significant. 
> A new multidisciplinary itinerary is needed--neither the piece meal nor the 
> continuous entanglement would work to achieve it. Personally I find that the 
> goal is very difficult. Too many things in too very disperse realms have to 
> be cohered... So the allure of this crazy story!
> All the best--Pedro
> -- 
> -------------------------------------------------
> Pedro C. Marijuán
> Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
> Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
> Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
> Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
> 50009 Zaragoza, Spain
> Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 (& 6818)
> -------------------------------------------------
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