A paper by my former graduate advisor, Jeff Bub, who was a student of David 

The Measurement Problem from the Perspective of an Information-Theoretic 
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics

The aim of this paper is to consider the consequences of an 
information-theoretic interpretation of quantum mechanics for the measurement 
problem. The motivating idea of the interpretation is that the relation between 
quantum mechanics and the structure of information is analogous to the relation 
between special relativity and the structure of space-time. Insofar as quantum 
mechanics deals with a class of probabilistic correlations that includes 
correlations structurally different from classical correlations, the theory is 
about the structure of information: the possibilities for representing, 
manipulating, and communicating information in a genuinely indeterministic 
quantum world in which measurement outcomes are intrinsically random are 
different than we thought. Part of the measurement problem is deflated as a 
pseudo-problem on this view, and the theory has the resources to deal with the 
remaining part, given certain idealizations in the treatment of macrosystems.

John Collier
Senior Research Associate and Professor Emeritus,
Philosophy, University of KwaZulu-Natal

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