Dear Bruno:


These distinctions are not to be identified into a single "self" of the
self-reference, but to be dissolved (differentiated) in discourse. They are
carried by the communication in science & technology studies or more broadly
(since including the science/society interface) in the information sciences.
The "self" is not transcendental to these discourses, but reflexive insofar
as one has the communicative competencies to listen and - if so wished -- to


I think that I might agree with Pedro and Joseph. The unity of science
should be preserved, despite this is hard to do when specialities lost
themselves in gigantic territories. 



The unity here is given by a belief in Truth, the original main God of



I respectfully decline your offer of religious conversion.


I like to say that only bad faith fear reason, and only bad reasons fear


I acknowledge the respect is not mutual. The word "bad" sounds very
normative to me.


Faith is always faith in some form of unity or unification of knowledge.


This was precisely my point. This assumption has turned into faith and thus
became outdated.


See also:

The Sciences are Discursive Constructs: The Communication Perspective as an
Empirical Philosophy of Science.
<>   Pp. 553-562
in: Lorenzo Cantoni and James A. Danowski (Eds.),
<> Communication and Technology,
De Gruyter Mouton, 2015; doi:10.1515/9783110271355-032
<> .






Loet Leydesdorff 

Professor, University of Amsterdam
Amsterdam School of Communication Research (ASCoR)

 <> ;
Honorary Professor,  <> SPRU, University of

Guest Professor  <> Zhejiang Univ., Hangzhou;
Visiting Professor,  <> ISTIC,

Visiting Professor,  <> Birkbeck, University of London;




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