Dear all,

I hope you will excuse this, especially since I have not been active in the 
discussions of this group. (I wish I had more time to engage - I keep seeing 
interesting things in the messages but know that if I get involved my list of 
other things I should have done but haven't will grow even larger!  Thank you 
to Pedro for running the group.)

The Department of Computing and Communications at The Open University in Milton 
Keynes, UK, is recruiting for two full-time PhD studentships.  See
 Among the topics of interest is the study of the nature of information. See 
the list of topics here: and note 
especially the topics which identity Magnus Ramage or me as the contact.

Note also the short timescale - applications close 22nd April.

Thank you and best wishes to all on the list - hope I'll meet many of you in 
Gothenburg next year.


Dr. David A. Chapman CEng, FIET, FHEA
Senior Lecturer
Department of Computing and Communications
The Open University
Intropy blog:
T. +44 1908 652919  Twitter @dachapman

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt 
charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302).

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