Cari Tutti,
il concetto o significato di informazione è unico, quel che varia è il modo
di qualificarlo o quantificarlo in ragione dei diversi tipi o categorie di
informazione: naturale o termodinamica, genetica, semantica e matematica. E
questo lo dico da studioso di economia della scienza o dell'esistenza, non
da studioso di esistenza o  della scienza economica.
Un abbraccio, non solo fisico, ma anche emo-ra-zionale.

2016-04-09 12:21 GMT+02:00 Loet Leydesdorff <>:

> Dear Pedro,
> I disagree about putting "meaning" outside the scope of natural sciences.
> I doubt that anybody on this list would disagree about using the metaphor
> of meaning in the natural sciences.
> Maturana (1978, p. 49): “In still other words, if an organism is observed
> in its operation within a second-order consensual domain, it appears to the
> observer as if its nervous system interacted with internal representations
> of the circumstances of its interactions, and as if the changes of state of
> the organism were determined by the semantic value of these
> representations. Yet all that takes place in the operation of the nervous
> system is the structure-determined dynamics of changing relations of
> relative neuronal activity proper to a closed neuronal network.”
> In other context, Maturana used the concept of “languaging”.
> My point is about the *differentia specifica* of inter-human
> communication which assumes a next-order contingency of expectations
> structured by “horizons of meaning” (Husserl). One needs a specific
> (social-science) set of theories and methods to access this domain, in my
> opinion. In concrete projects, one can try to operationalize in terms of
> the information sciences / information theory. One can also collaborate
> “interdisciplinarily” at the relevant interface, notably with the computer
> sciences. The use of metaphors in other disciplines, however,  cannot be
> denied.
> This is just a reaction; I had one penny left this week. J
> Best,
> Loet
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