Dear Friends,

I was so struck by the group's focus on Gödel's theorems that I went back
to John R. Lucas who originated the idea that Gödel's insights imply that
the human miind is not a machine - and therefore capable of genuine
phenomenal experience. You may find the ideas in the following informative
and useful,_Machines_and_Gödel

I noted particularly that I have used complexity (which Lucas mentions
towards the end of MM&G) to establish that organisms are not machines, and
out of that I identify the form of information which may explain various
aspects of experience.

I found Minds, Machines and Godel very useful to read since it seemed to
confirm aspects of my offering to you all.

On 3 May 2016 at 07:49, Francesco Rizzo <> wrote:

> Cari Terrence, Louis, Maxine e Tutti,
> I state that I am a "exponential poor" who do not claim to lead any claim
> whatsoever. But I think I have understood from the triangulation of three
> colleagues, I do not think it is concluded, that:
> - Rosario Strano, a mathematician at the University of Catania, lecturing
> on "Goodel, Tarski and liar" in the end he said: "In closing, we conclude
> with a remark 'philosophical' suggested during the conference by fellow F.
> Rizzo : a result that we can draw from the theorems of exposed is that the
> search for truth, both in mathematics and in other sciences, can not be
> caged by mechanical rules, nor reduced to a formal calculation, but it
> requires inspiration, intuition and genius, all features own human
> intellect ( "Bulletin Mathesis" section of Catania, Year V, n. 2, April 28,
> 2000);
> - Also it happened to me, to defend the economic science from encroachment
> or domain of the infinitesimal calculus, to declare that the mathematical
> models resemble simulacra, partly true (according to the logic) and partly
> false (according to reality) : see. lately, F. Rizzo, ... "Bursars (c)
> to" Arachne publishing, Rome, April 2016;
> -in theory and in economic practice the capitalization rate "r" of the
> capitalization formula V = Rn. 1 / r can be determined or resorting to
> "qualitative quantity" of Hegel ( "The Science of Logic") or to complex or
> imaginary numbers that, among other things, allowed the Polish
> mathematician Minkowski, master of A. Einstein, to adjust the general
> theory of relativity, so much so that I wrote: "the imaginary and / or
> complex numbers used to conceive the 'Minkowiski of' universe that
> transforms time into space, making it clearer and more explicit the
> isomorphic influence that space-time exercises the capitalization formula
> and equation of special relativity, maybe they can illuminate with new
> lights the function of the concept of co-efficient of capitalization "(F.
> Rizzo," from the Keynesian revolution to the new economy ", Franco Angeli,
> Milan, 2002, p . 35).
> How you see the world looks great but basically it is up to you and even
> to poor people like me to make it, or reduce it to the appropriate size to
> understand (and be understood) by all.
> Thank you for the opportunity you have given me, I greet you with
> intellectual and human friendship.
> Francesco
> 2016-05-03 5:28 GMT+02:00 Louis H Kauffman <>:
>> Dear Folks
>> I realize in replying to this I surely reach the end of possible comments
>> that I can make for a week. But nevertheless …
>> I want to comment on Terrence Deacon’s remarks below and also on
>> Professor Johnstone’s remark from another email:
>> "This may look like a silly peculiarity of spoken language, one best
>> ignored in formal logic, but it is ultimately what is wrong with the Gödel
>> sentence that plays a key role in Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem. That
>> sentence is a string of symbols deemed well-formed according to the
>> formation rules of the system used by Gödel, but which, on the intended
>> interpretation of the system, is ambiguous: the sentence has two different
>> interpretations, a self-referential truth-evaluation that is neither true
>> nor false or a true statement about that self-referential statement. In
>> such a system, Gödel’s conclusion holds. However, it is a mistake to
>> conclude that no possible formalization of Arithmetic can be complete. In a
>> formal system that distinguishes between the two possible readings of the
>> Gödel sentence (an operation that would considerably complicate the
>> system), such would no longer be the case.
>> ********”
>> I will begin with the paragraph above.
>> Many mathematicians felt on first seeing Goedel’s argument that it was a
>> trick, a sentence like the Liar Sentence that had no real mathematical
>> relevance.
>> This however is not true, but would require a lot more work than I would
>> take in this email to be convincing. Actually the crux of the Goedel
>> Theorem is in the fact that a formal system that
>> can handle basic number theory and is based on a finite alphabet, has
>> only a countable number of facts about the integers that it can produce.
>> One can convince oneself on general grounds that there are indeed an
>> uncountable number of true facts about the integers. A given formal system
>> can only produce a countable number of such facts and so is incomplete.
>> This is the short version of Goedel’s Theorem. Goedel worked hard to
>> produce a specific statement that could not be proved by the given formal
>> system, but the incompleteness actually follows from the deep richness of
>> the integers as opposed to the more superficial reach of any given formal
>> system.
>> Mathematicians should not be perturbed by this incompleteness.
>> Mathematics is paved with many formal systems.
>> In my previous email I point to the Goldstein sequence.
>> <'s_theorem>
>> This is an easily understood recursive sequence of numbers that no matter
>> how you start it, always ends at zero after some number of iterations.
>> This Theorem about the Goodstein recursion is not provable in Peano
>> Arithmetic, the usual formalization of integer arithmetic, using standard
>> mathematical induction.
>> This is a good example of a theorem that is not just a “Liar Paradox” and
>> shows that Peano Arithmetic is incomplete.
>> And by the way, the Goodstein sequence CAN be proved to terminate by
>> using ‘imaginary values’ as Professor Deacon describes (with a tip of the
>> hat to Spencer-Brown).
>> In this case the imaginary values are a segment of Cantor’s transfinite
>> ordinals. Once these transfinite numbers are admitted into the discussion
>> there is an elegant proof available for the termination of the Goodstein
>> sequence. Spencer-Brown liked to talk about the possibility of proofs by
>> using “imaginary Boolean values”. Well, the Goodstein proof is an excellent
>> example of this philosophy.
>> A further comment, thinking about i (i^2 = -1) as an oscillation is very
>> very fruitful from my point of view and I could bend your ear on that for a
>> long time. Here is a recent paper of mine on that subject. Start in Section
>> 2 if you want to start with the mathematics of the matter.
>> And here is an older venture on the same theme.
>> More generally, the idea is that one significant way to move out of
>> paradox is to move into a state of time.
>> I feel that this is philosophically a deep remark on the nature of time
>> and that i as an oscillation is the right underlying mathematical metaphor
>> for time.
>> It is, in this regard, not an accident that the Minkowski metric is X^2 +
>> Y^2 + Z^2 + (iT)^2.
>> TIME = iT
>> This is an equation with double meaning.
>> Time is measured oscillation.
>> Time is rotated ninety degrees from Space.
>> And one can wonder: How does i come to multiply itself and return -1?
>> Try finding your own answers before you try mine or all the previous
>> stories!
>> Best,
>> Lou
>> (See you next week.)
>> On May 2, 2016, at 9:31 PM, Terrence W. DEACON <>
>> wrote:
>>      A number of commentators, including the philosopher-logician G.
>> Spencer Brown and the anthropologist-systems theorist Gregory Bateson,
>> reframed variants of the Liar’s paradox as it might apply to real world
>> phenomena. Instead of being stymied by the undecidability of the logic or
>> the semantic ambiguity, they focused on the very process of analyzing these
>> relationships. The reason these forms lead to undecidable results is that
>> each time they are interpreted it changes the context in which they must be
>> interpreted, and so one must inevitably alternate between true and false,
>> included and excluded, consistent and inconsistent, etc. So, although there
>> is no fixed logical, thus synchronic, status of the matter, the process of
>> following these implicit injunctions results in a predictable pattern
>> across time. In logic, the statement “if true, then false” is a
>> contradiction.  In space and time, “if on, then off” is an oscillation.
>> Gregory Bateson likened this to a simple electric buzzer, such as the bell
>> in old ringer telephones. The basic design involves a circuit that includes
>> an electromagnet which when supplied with current attracts a metal bar
>> which pulls it away from an electric contact that thereby breaks the
>> circuit cutting off the electricity to the electromagnet which allows the
>> metal bar to spring back into position where the electric contact re-closes
>> the circuit re-energizing the electromagnet, and so on. The resulting
>> on-off-on-off activity is what produces a buzzing sound, or if attached to
>> a small mallet can repeatedly ring a bell.
>>      Consider another variant of incompletability: the concept of
>> imaginary number. The classic formulation involves trying to determine the
>> square root of a negative number. The relationship of this to the liar’s
>> paradox and the buzzer can be illustrated by stepping through stages of
>> solving the equation *i *x* i* = *-1*. Dividing both sides by *i*
>> produces *i* = *-1/i, *and then substituting the value of *i *one gets*
>> i = -1/-1/i *and then again* i = -1/-1/-1/i *and so forth, indefinitely.
>> With each substitution the value alternates from negative to positive and
>> cannot be resolved (like the true/false of the liar’s paradox and the
>> on/off of the buzzer). But if we ignore this irresolvability and just
>> explore the properties of this representation of an irresolvable value, as
>> have mathematicians for centuries, it can be shown that *i* can be
>> treated as a form of unity and subject to all the same mathematical
>> principles as can 1 and all the real numbers derived from it. So *i *+
>> *i* = 2*i* and *i* - 2*i* = *-**i* and so on. Interestingly, 0 x *i* = 0
>> X 1 = 0, so we can conceive of the real number line and the imaginary
>> number line as two dimensions intersecting at 0, the origin. Ignoring the
>> many uses of such a relationship (such as the use of complex numbers with a
>> real and imaginary component) we can see that this also has an open-ended
>> consequence. This is because the very same logic can be used with respect
>> to the imaginary number line. We can thus assign *j *x *j = -i *to
>> generate a third dimension that is orthogonal to the first two and also
>> intersecting at the origin. Indeed, this can be done again and again,
>> without completion; increasing dimensionality without end (though by
>> convention we can at any point restrict this operation in order to use
>> multiple levels of imaginaries for a particular application, there is no
>> intrinsic principal forcing such a restriction).
>>      One could, of course, introduce a rule that simply restricts such
>> operations altogether, somewhat parallel to Bertrand Russell’s proposed
>> restriction on logical type violation. But mathematicians have discovered
>> that the concept of imaginary number is remarkably useful, without which
>> some of the most powerful mathematical tools would never have been
>> discovered.  And, similarly, we could discount Gödel’s discovery because we
>> can’t see how it makes sense in some interpretations of semiosis. On the
>> other hand, like G. Spencer Brown, Doug Hofstadter, and many others,
>> thinking outside of the box a bit when considering these apparent dilemmas
>> might lead to other useful insights. So I’m not so willing to brand the
>> Liar, Gödel, and all of their kin as useless nonsense. It’s not a bug, it’s
>> a feature.
>> On Mon, May 2, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Maxine Sheets-Johnstone <>
>> wrote:
>>> Many thanks for your comments, Lou and Bruno. I read and pondered,
>>> and finally concluded that the paths taken by each of you exceed
>>> my competencies. I subsequently sent your comments to Professor
>>> Johnstone—-I trust this is acceptable—asking him if he would care to
>>> respond with a brief sketch of the reasoning undergirding his critique,
>>> which remains anchored in Gödel’s theorem, not in the writings of others
>>> about Gödel’s theorem. Herewith his reply: ******** Since no one
>>> commented on the reasoning supporting the conclusions reached in the
>>> two cited articles, let me attempt to sketch the crux of the case presented.
>>> The Liar Paradox contains an important lesson about meaning. A statement
>>> that says of itself that it is false, gives rise to a paradox: if true, it
>>> must be false, and if false, it must be true. Something has to be amiss
>>> here. In fact, what is wrong is the statement in question is not a
>>> statement at all; it is a pseudo-statement, something that looks like a
>>> statement but is incomplete or vacuous. Like the pseudo-statement that
>>> merely says of itself that it is true, it says nothing. Since such
>>> self-referential truth-evaluations say nothing, they are neither true nor
>>> false. Indeed, the predicates ‘true’ and ‘false’ can only be meaningfully
>>> applied to what is already a meaningful whole, one that already says
>>> something. The so-called Strengthened Liar Paradox features a
>>> pseudo-statement that says of itself that it is neither true nor false. It
>>> is paradoxical in that it apparently says something that is true while
>>> saying that what it says it is not true. However, the paradox dissolves
>>> when one realizes that it says something that is apparently true only
>>> because it is neither true nor false. However, if it is neither true nor
>>> false, it is consequently not a statement, and hence it says nothing. Since
>>> it says nothing, it cannot say something that is true. The reason why it
>>> appears to say something true is that one and the same string of words may
>>> be used to make either of two declarations, one a pseudo-statement, the
>>> other a true statement, depending on how the words refer. Consider the
>>> following example. Suppose we give the name ‘Joe’ to what I am saying, and
>>> what I am saying is that Joe is neither true nor false. When I say it, it
>>> is a pseudo-statement that is neither true nor false; when you say it, it
>>> is a statement that is true. The sentence leads a double life, as it were,
>>> in that it may be used to make two different statements depending on who
>>> says it. A similar situation can also arise with a Liar sentence: if the
>>> liar says that what he says is false, then he is saying nothing; if I say
>>> that what he says is false, then I am making a false statement about his
>>> pseudo-statement. This may look like a silly peculiarity of spoken
>>> language, one best ignored in formal logic, but it is ultimately what is
>>> wrong with the Gödel sentence that plays a key role in Gödel’s
>>> Incompleteness Theorem. That sentence is a string of symbols deemed
>>> well-formed according to the formation rules of the system used by Gödel,
>>> but which, on the intended interpretation of the system, is ambiguous: the
>>> sentence has two different interpretations, a self-referential
>>> truth-evaluation that is neither true nor false or a true statement about
>>> that self-referential statement. In such a system, Gödel’s conclusion
>>> holds. However, it is a mistake to conclude that no possible formalization
>>> of Arithmetic can be complete. In a formal system that distinguishes
>>> between the two possible readings of the Gödel sentence (an operation that
>>> would considerably complicate the system), such would no longer be the case.
>>> ******** Cheers, Maxine _______________________________________________
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>> --
>> Professor Terrence W. Deacon
>> University of California, Berkeley
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Alex Hankey M.A. (Cantab.) PhD (M.I.T.)
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Bangalore 560019, Karnataka, India
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2015 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences, Mathematics
and Phenomenological Philosophy
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