This is an interesting question, Karl. Without giving a full account, I
think there can be said the following.
It is usually not the (chemical) nature of a substrate or the availability
of an external source that makes it a poison, but its ratio.
Small amounts are harmless, larger amounts are dangerous. But there is no
general recipe to detect harms.
If you stay for 15 minutes on the sun (UV light) this will stimulate the
production of vitamin D in your body which in turn will stimulate the
strengthening of your bones. But if you stay longer, there is a danger of a
sunstroke or melanoma. Our brains simply do not obtain all these alarming
signals from damaging the (skin) cells to the production and cumulation of
toxic substances. We have specific organs to sense color, smell and taste,
but not radiation.

The problem with contemporary (allopathic) medicine is that it is basically
symptomatic and the diagnosis is usually reductionistic, detecting one
source of damage related to the failed organ (heart, kidney, liver, etc.)
associated with the ailment; so is the therapy, until a second or a third
failure are detected and medicated sequentially and independently from each
other. Yet, in most cases, the failures are occurring at the same time in
multiple organs and systems, but we do not have the information about that
to act, or the information comes too late and on an isolated place,
covering the other alarm signals under the threshold of detection by the

However, if you go to a TCM practitioner with the complaint of e.g. heart
palpitations as a symptom of restlessness after examining your pulse and
tongue, you will obtain three medications (herbs): one for lowering the
blood pressure, one for detoxifying the kidneys and one for detoxifying the
liver. In addition to that you may become an acupuncture session for
regulating the “qi/chi flow" inside the body - a substance which is a
complete mystery for science - and a prescription of what to eat and how to

So, decrypting the body sign(al)s in their multiplicity as result of the
interaction of systems and organs is the clue. Regarding human bodies as
licked buckets that need to be repaired from multiple punches is probably a
good metaphor.




On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 12:44 AM, Karl Javorszky <>

> Just a small detail on the information density of food (air, water,
> sensory input, etc.) in medicine:
> The DNA has a high informational value for the organism. Can it be said
> that poison has also an informational value?
> Can the de-constructive effect of a substance quantified based on the same
> semiotic system of references as the constructive effect of a substance can
> be referred to in that same system of references?
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