We are planning the special issue of the MDPI journal "Information" on the 
topic “Information and Symmetry”. Here is the link to the website:


The issue is organized on the basis of the Symmetry Festival this summer in 
 but it is not restricted to the participants of the conference.

"Information" is an open access journal, the fee (300 CHF) will be waived for 
the contributors of this special issue. The journal is covered by Compendex 
(EI), Scopus and other databases. This journal has been submitted for covering 
by Web of Science. It will be evaluated to receive an impact factor as soon as
possible. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to 
authors approximately 32 days after submission; acceptance to publication is 
undertaken in 7 days (median values for papers published in this journal in 

We invite you to contribute to this issue and would like to ask to distribute 
this information to other potential contributors. The deadline of submission 
isOctober 31, and it will be great if the authors will confirm their 
participation before July 31st.

Guest Editors:
Pedro C. Marijuán
Abir (Andrei) U. Igamberdiev
Lin Bi

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