Hi Arthur and  FISers,

Thank you for asking an important question. The reason epigenetics (defined 
here as the process of inheritance without imlplicating any changes in the 
nucleotide sequences of DNA)  was not mentioned in my previous post is because 
I was mainly interested in the bottom-up (from micro to macro) mechanism of 
genetics, not the top-down (from macro to micro) mechanism.  It is interesting 
to note that our brain seems unable to handle both bottom-up and top-down 
mechanisms simultaneously, perhaps it may have something to do with the fact 
that we have two brain hemispheres (Yin and Yang) but only one vocal cord (the 

One way to integrate the bottom-up and top-down mechanisms underlying genetic 
phenomenon may be to invoke the principle of vibrational resonance -- to view 
both the micro-scale DNA and  the macro-scale environment of organisms as 
vibrational systems or systems of oscillators that can exchange information and 
energy through the well-known mechanisms of resonance (e.g., the resonance 
between the oscillatory motions of the swing and the arms of the mother; both 
motions must have same frequencies. otherwise the child will not swing).  
According to the Fourier theorem, any oscillatory motions of DNA including very 
low frequencies can be generated by linear combinations of  very fast covalent 
bond vibrations in  DNA and  hence can be coupled to slow oscillatory motions 
of the environment, e.g., musical sounds. If this view is correct, music can 
affect, DIRECTLY (i.e., unmediated by the auditory system of the brain), the 
molecular motions of DNA in every cell in our body.  In other words, we can 
hear music not only through our ears but also through our whole body including 
blood.  Because of the patent  issue, I cannot reveal the experimental evidence 
supporting this claim, but, indue course, I hope to share with you the 
scientific evidence we obtained recently.

In conclusion, it may be that  the yin-yang doctrine of the Daoist philosophy 
(or any other equivalent principles) applies here, since molecular genetics and 
epigenetics may constitute  the irreconcilable opposites:

"Genetics has two complementary aspects -- molecular genetics and epigenetics."

"Molecular genetics and epigenetics are the complementary aspects of genetics."

"Genetic phenomena can be accounted for in two irreconcilably opposite manner 
with equal validity -- through the bottom-up (or reductionistic) or the 
top-down  (or holistic) approaches."

The last statement would help avoid many wasteful debates in the field of 

 If you have any questions or corrections, please let me know.


From: Arthur Wist <arthur.w...@gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, April 27, 2018 6:48 PM
To: Sungchul Ji; FIS FIS
Cc: sbur...@proteomics.rutgers.edu; Sergey Petoukhov; ole2001@med.cornell; 
dani...@shirasawa-acl.net; Sungchul Ji; x...@chemistry.harvard.edu; 
Subject: Re: [Fis] Fw: The 'Shirasawa phenomenon' or the 'Shirasawa effect"


Just a short note to first of all say thank you, I've find this very
helpful to know albeit I can't point to a direct application. Secondly
however, I do wonder: Why & how come you neglected to - in either an
inclusionary or exclusionary manner - address any potential epigenetic

Kind regards,


On 20 April 2018 at 19:32, Sungchul Ji <s...@pharmacy.rutgers.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am forwarding a slightly modified version of my previous post with the
> same title which was rejected by the FIS list due to the heavy attachments.
> The most significant addition is written in green.  The removed attachments
> are now replaced by their web addresses from which they can be downloaded
> free of charge.
> Best.
> Sung
> ________________________________
> From: Sungchul Ji
> Sent: Thursday, April 19, 2018 11:02 AM
> Cc: Sergey Petoukhov; dani...@shirasawa-acl.net; John Stuart Reid; sayer ji;
> sji.confor...@gmail.com; x...@chemistry.harvard.edu;
> sbur...@proteomics.rutgers.edu; n...@princeton.edu
> Subject: The 'Shirasawa phenomenon' or the 'Shirasawa effect"
> Hi FISers,
> In 2003, Takuji Shirasawa and his coworkers [1] found that mutating certain
> amino acids in the hemoglobin molecule (Hb) in mice produced the following
> effects:
> (1) increase O_2 consumption and CO_2 production,
> (2) the conversion of the muscle histology from a fast glycolytic to a fast
> oxidative type,
> (3) a mild anemia, and
> (4) faster running speed.
> In other words, Shirasawa et al provided a concrete example of molecular
> changes (e.g., amino acid mutations in Hb)  leading to (or associated with)
> macroscopic physiological changes in whole animals (e.g., anemia,  running
> behavior, etc.).  For the convenience of discussions, I am taking the
> liberty of referring to this finding as the "Shirasawa et al.
> phenomenon/effect" or, more briefly, the "Shirasawa phenomenon/effect" which
> may be viewed as the macroscopic version of the Bohr effect [2].
> The 'Shirasawa phenomenon/effect' is not limited to hemoglobin.  There are
> now many similar phenomena found in the fields of voltage-gated ion
> channels, i.e., molecular changes in the amino acid sequences of ion channel
> proteins leading to (or associated with) macroscopic effects on the human
> body called diseases [3].
> Although the current tendency among practicing molecular biologists and
> biophysicists would be to explain away what is here called the Shirasawa
> phenomenon in terms of the microscopic changes "causing" the macroscopic
> phenomenon in a 1:1 basis, another possibility is that the microscopic
> changes "cause" a set of other microscopic changes at the DNA molecular
> level which in turn cause a set of macroscopic changes", in a many-to-many
> fashion.
> Current trend:  Microscopic change (Hb mutation) --------->  Macroscopic
> change 1 (Oxygen affinity change of blood) ---------> Macroscopic change 2
> (O_2 metabolism, anemia, running behavior)
> Althernative mechanism:  Microscopic change 1 (Hb mutation) ------->
> Microscopic change 2 (Changes in the standing waves in DNA) ------->
> Multiple macroscopic changes (O_2 metabolism, anemia, muscle cell
> histological changes).
> The alternative mechanism proposed here seems to me to be more consistent
> with the newly emerging models of molecular genetics [4] and single-molecule
> enzymology [5, 6].
> Since the 'Shirasawa phenomenon/effect' evidently implicates information
> transfer from the microscale to the macroscale, it may be of interest to
> many information theoreticians in this group.   If you have any questions,
> comments, or suggestions, please let me know.
> All the best.
> Sung
> References:
>    [1] Shirasawa, T., et al. (2003).  Oxygen Affinity of Hemoglboin
> Regulaters O_2 Comsumtion, Metabolism, and Physical Activity.  J. Biol.
> Chem. 278(7): 5035-5043.  PDF at
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jbc.org%2Fcontent%2F278%2F7%2F5035.full.pdf&data=02%7C01%7Csji%40pharmacy.rutgers.edu%7Cb134e6f0f18640a1578608d5ac911871%7Cb92d2b234d35447093ff69aca6632ffe%7C1%7C1%7C636604661553806634&sdata=sNOsN%2BTGxWSKHNzVWNJXDW3dU6tveVfKfNPaV%2Bcv3e4%3D&reserved=0
>    [2] The Bohr effect.  
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBohr_effect&data=02%7C01%7Csji%40pharmacy.rutgers.edu%7Cb134e6f0f18640a1578608d5ac911871%7Cb92d2b234d35447093ff69aca6632ffe%7C1%7C1%7C636604661553806634&sdata=T%2Fl5fXUzb4RN0RUwpLBwASDExyceUPasgf%2BaJhmraJw%3D&reserved=0
>    [3] Huang W, Liu M, S Yan F, Yan N. (2017).  Structure-based assessment
> of disease-related mutations in human voltage-gated sodium channels. Protein
> Cell. 8(6):401-438. PDF at 
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov%2Fpubmed%2F28150151&data=02%7C01%7Csji%40pharmacy.rutgers.edu%7Cb134e6f0f18640a1578608d5ac911871%7Cb92d2b234d35447093ff69aca6632ffe%7C1%7C1%7C636604661553806634&sdata=QERnpZll0BGSz20njXkWQZaNzKCt1EenJx7X7O3Qak4%3D&reserved=0
>    [4] Petoukhov, S. V. (2016).  The system-resonance approach in modeling
> genetic structures. BioSystems 139: 1–11. PDF at
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.sciencedirect.com%2Fscience%2Farticle%2Fpii%2FS0303264715001732&data=02%7C01%7Csji%40pharmacy.rutgers.edu%7Cb134e6f0f18640a1578608d5ac911871%7Cb92d2b234d35447093ff69aca6632ffe%7C1%7C1%7C636604661553806634&sdata=%2FzkdwHLVCa5ROQXJmhmEho7qNUNAky8L1gFjOuee%2B1Y%3D&reserved=0
>    [5] Lu, H. P., Xun, L. and Xie, X. S. (1998) Single-Molecule Enzymatic
> Dynamics. Science 282:1877-1882.  PDF at
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jbc.org%2Fcontent%2F274%2F23%2F15967.short&data=02%7C01%7Csji%40pharmacy.rutgers.edu%7Cb134e6f0f18640a1578608d5ac911871%7Cb92d2b234d35447093ff69aca6632ffe%7C1%7C1%7C636604661553806634&sdata=MiyaHdch%2B0%2BbaKVZ6xKGz1WJ22%2BKBlLrGpX2QkxvmXs%3D&reserved=0
>    [6] Ji, S. (2017). RASER Model of Single-Molecule Enzyme Catalysis and
> Its Application to the Ribosome Structure and Function. Arch Mol. Med & Gen
> 1:104. PDF at 
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fhendun.org%2Fjournals%2FAMMG%2FPDF%2FAMMG-18-1-104.pdf&data=02%7C01%7Csji%40pharmacy.rutgers.edu%7Cb134e6f0f18640a1578608d5ac911871%7Cb92d2b234d35447093ff69aca6632ffe%7C1%7C1%7C636604661553806634&sdata=uviYFoPZJ84kVeHTn6CorCcn1Z6mt6Va7Zni18AJ7o4%3D&reserved=0
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