On Sun, Sep 18, 2011 at 09:20:21PM +0200, Jan Kanis wrote:
>  On Sat, Sep 17, 2011 at 07:08, Robert Shinka <[3]k...@unknownlayer.net> 
> wrote:
>    Notice how fish handily split the resulting string at newlines into
>    separate array elements, and then expanded the result using spaces.
>    For the typical case of processing data from line-oriented utilities
>    like sed, this is exactly what you do /not/ want, as the simple act of
>    storing data into a variable and retrieving it changes the data.
>  For the common case, I think this is what you want. In unix programs having
>  output in a form of one line per item is very common. For example filenames
>  containing spaces are handled correctly, unlike in bash. Try
>  set files (ls)
>  for i in $files
>    echo $i
>  end

The problem is not the splitting, but that the common array expansion
uses a different token to expand than it does to split. This doesn't
occur in the above example because... well, see below.

>    You may be wondering what the point of the last two echo commands are.
>    For the first, fish expands $var to "'1 2' '3' '' '4'", which echo then
>    happily prints, while for the second, fish formats to "1 2 3  4" first.
>    The first form can usually be handled with xargs (although this ideally
>    wouldn't be necessary), but the second is broken any way I look at it.
>    However, because there's no sane way to pipe the data to xargs (you
>    weren't thinking of using echo, were you?) after retrieving it from a
>    variable, you're reduced to the annoying hack you thought up earlier.
>    Well, unless you decided to forego variables and instead dump everything
>    into temporary files and use xargs -a ...
>  My specific problem isn't with variable/array handling, just with command
>  substitution. I don't see exactly what you think is wrong with "$var", if you
>  need $var or "$var", you can pick the right one. For command substitution,
>  this choice doesn't exist.

In your example, you use $var, which expands to a list of tokens and
does "the right thing" in most circumstances. However, what does one use
"$var" for? You can't use it to reconstruct the original string, because
that string was split on newlines and "$var" replaces them with spaces.
It doesn't seem to me that the current form of "$var" is "the right one"
very often, if at all.

>  Bash treats command substitution and variable expansion as a list of
>  whitespace separated tokens. It also includes escapes to treat both as a
>  single token, in case you don't want the default behaviour.
>  Fish does the same for variables, except it doesn't split the contents when
>  the variable is used, but it stores the tokens in a structured way as an
>  array. Command substitution works a bit differently. Maintaining a structured
>  form of data like with variables isn't possible because it is output from
>  arbitrary commands, so fish splits the command output like bash does, but 
> only
>  on newlines. However fish doesn't provide a way to prevent the splitting.

If fish reconstructed "$var" the same way it split it (with \n), then
your problem wouldn't exist. You could work with lines as usual with
$var, and "$var" would produce the exact data it was created with.
If anyone needed a space-separated version of the string for whatever
reason, they could trivially do so with echo or tr, but I think that's a
rare case. Right now, there's no reasonable utility.

BlackBerry&reg; DevCon Americas, Oct. 18-20, San Francisco, CA
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