Hi ya,
I've been using Fish for a little while now.

Some background:
I got multiple Ubuntu 12.10 servers that are using likewise-open to 
authenticate against Windows AD.
I've created a list of hosts I want to use to autocomplete from ldap which is 
saved into hosts.txt in my home directory.

How can i make ssh autocomplete using the content of hosts.txt or from a 
straight LDAP search?

for the record, the ldap search I use:

ldapsearch -LLL -H ldap://dc-01:389 -b 'dc=otc,dc=local' -D 'OTC\Administrator' 
-w 'mypassword' -x objectclass=computer | grep cn: | sed 's/cn: //' | sort -n

Med vennlig hilsen/Best regards
Thor Erik Lie
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