On Sep 17, 2013, at 9:44 PM, Martin Bähr <mba...@email.archlab.tuwien.ac.at> 

> On Wed, Sep 18, 2013 at 05:00:09AM +0200, Martin Bähr wrote:
>> clear
>> while true
>>    echo \e\[H
>>    for i in (ls -tr)
>>        du -sh $i
>>    end | tail -20 | sed -e 's/^/'\e'\[K/' | cut -c -(math $COLUMNS - 2)
>>    sleep 2
>> end
> one minor issue i still have is that in the above $COLUMNS appears to be
> evaluated only once. i'd like it to be reevaluated every time.
> is there a way to do that?

Hi Martin,

Try using 'tput cols' to get the terminal width instead.

Hope that helps,
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