Mandeep Sandhu <mandeepsandhu.chd@...> writes:

> So this is basically looking for aliases created via git itself ('git config
> alias.gco checkout' etc).
> To fix your issue, you either need to define an alias with git, or modify the
> __fish_git_using_command function to check if the given command is a shell
> alias and return 0.
> HTH, -mandeep

Mandeep, you were talking about the git alias, they have to be used as "git
gco" rather than "gco". But I was talking about the common issue that the
aliases in fish doesn't share with the same completion as the original command,
not just for git.

And in fish, even a simple alias as "alias l=ls", "l" won't have ls's
completion, this is really unintuitive.

In fish, the solution for the built in completions is, define a fucntion that
define complections for $cmds in, and for every built
in alias for "ls", like "ll", "la", define a and inside
completion folder with content as simple as: "__fish_complete_ls ll" and
"__fish_complete_ls la". These are for the built ins, if we define another
alias for ls, say "alias l=ls", we have to define a completion file with
"__fish_complete_ls l". Every alias need a separate completion file. I think
this is really redundant, and against the design philosophy of fish.

And when comes to command supports subcommand like git, it gets even worse,
cause "alias gco=git checkout" is just a subcommand, shouldn't use the same
completion as git the whole command. That's another issue to solve.

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