This message is from: "Beaver Dam Farm" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia --

I was just reading through the Digests I missed this weekend, and saw Kathy
Spiegel's. ----

 I agree more evaluations might be the better route but the practical
> considerations are sometimes enormous.
> I will be traveling over 1100 miles one way in October.  The only reason
> that I would consider it at this time for this horse is because I will
> be going to the event anyway.  However I would NOT do it on a regular
> basis because of both the expense and the risks to horse and driver.

"because of both the expense and the risks to horse and driver."  --  "risks
to horse and driver" hit a nerve with me because I am very very nervous
trailering horses.  I keep thinking of the poor horses encased in this rolling
tin can, completely at the mercy of us, and everybody else on the road.  And I
think of the horrific horse trailer accidents I've heard about, and I swear
that if we ever get where we're going and home again in one piece, that I'll
never ever subject my horses to this again.

Kathy also points out . . .

> With a couple of horses a year, all profit AND operating expenses for a
> small breeder could easily be gobbled up with evaluations
This is certainly a valid point.  What serious breeder who is trying to make a
business breeding Fjords could possibly afford to go to more than one or two
Live Evaluations 1,000 miles or more from home?  --

unless they
> were restricted to only a few horses- which defeats the purpose of the
> evaluation.

Having only one or two of a breeding farm's horses evaluated does defeat the
purpose.  --

Regards,  Carol Rivoire

 Beaver Dam Farm Fjords II, Ltd.
Phone: 902-386-2304  Fax: 902-386-2149
"Raised by the Sea in Health and Tranquility"

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