This message is from: briar hill farm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I am a bloodline "addict"....and I have been fortunate to have worked
personally with several lines.
I love watching blood lines, too, Pat. Having bred and trained Fjords for 20 years I have a good sense of certain traits in Fjord blood lines. Over the years, you can see certain characteristics repeat them selves when you have worked with several offspring of particular lines. You talk about the old stallions. You shouldn't forget Ring. What a pleasure to work with his offspring. Always good solid workers. I think Ring is well into his twenties and not breeding anymore. I miss Eggeprins, one of the early imported stallions. I would run, not walk for an Eggeprins get. What fabulous minds and what a pleasure to work with and a joy to train. I'm a great fan of the MVF Hegdal offspring. He's over 20. He consistently produces very good dressage movement with calm, quiet, co operative minds.

I disagree that Hostar is the only Brusvein offspring. Maybe you meant the only stallion. There were Freya and Elda, owned by Cece Henderson, I have an Elda daughter, Bella, a great performing Fjord in dressage and a talented jumper like her grandsire, Hostar..

Briar Hill Farm

  • Re: bloodlines briar hill farm

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