This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello All
How is everyone? I am getting ready to put a fjord calendar together to  sale 
at the Equine Affair out here in Calif. Does anyone have any pictures you  
can send me so I can put them on the calendar. I will give 10 free calendars to 
everyone who's picture we use. I will also put the name of the horse and what 
 farm it came from. I need all pictures by Wed. the 25th of this month. 
Please  email your high resolution pictures to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
(mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED])  I am  selling a few things at my booth to help pay 
for all my promotional expenses for  fjords.
Katherine Kramer
Westcoast Fjords
23355 Modoc  Ct
Gavilan Hills, CA 92570

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