This message is from: "Ruth Bushnell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Did Chip Lamb send anything in?  I think this picture of Rusten would be a
great addition to any Fjord history! Taffy

THAT'S A GREAT idea !! It would be wonderful if both Chip Lamb and Larry Boe were in it; two major founders of Fjords in the Northwest. Quad-L Fjords of Sandpoint ID (Chip) and Bo-Fjords of Creston BC. (Larry).

I've thought for some time that it would be neat to interview those two Fjord breeders whose lives and Fjord experiences have paralleled one another's here in the northwest. Each of their farms have contributed some wonderful stock to the Fjord world. Chip operated Fjord driven sleigh rides at Ski Resort, Schweitzer Basin, and has been an ardent ambassador for Fjords in this area.

Larry has a considerable history of driving accomplishments, some at the Calgary Stampede, and most recently he had a six-up driven team of all grays at Libby, MT, Fjord show. It's most regretable that more photos weren't taken at the time, and more acclaim offered for this outstanding feat, as I believe it is by far the greatest Fjord driving accomplishment to date at the Libby Show.

Both of these men are a wealth of Fjord wisdom and ever constant in their kind and generous help for any Fjord newbies.

We salute them both for those contributions made in the Fjord world.

Gene and Ruthie Bushnell
Bushwhacker Fjords

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