This message is from: "Catherine lassesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Carol, Again I will try to reply to your questions.


1. Will the books be open to NFHR members.  

            I am assuming you are referring to the financial books since
your second question is on finance. The financial situation of the
Foundation must be made public by law. To have a NFHR member go over the
computer programs is not likely. but donors have the right to know where the
money is being spent on. And thus end of the year financial statements will
be available to donors (remember NFHR members are different than donors) and
the public per US law. (I am not the legal advisor here, so I do not know
what our legal requirement is in this aspect.)


2. Will there be a financial statement published yearly, or is the
Foundation not obligated to do this by virtue of

being a private group?    --


      We are not required to publish in the Fjord Herald. The Foundation is
obligated to report annual to the major donors and to the US government. If
we can make arrangements for the FH to be an outlet we may publish there. We
are discussing now which means for us to take.




3. Will the NFHR membership know how much money is in the foundation and
what it's currently being spent on?


      This question is answered above. Financial statements are required by


4. You say money will be available for research pertaining to the
Fjordhorse.  --  Can you tell us if there's some specific type of research
in mind?  -


      Carol, now you are putting the cart before the horse. Funds are needed
prior to giving any money to research. GRANTS will be given once funding is
available. A GRANT must be applied for. There are rules and regulations as
to grants and the application for and the receiving of. It really depends on
the schools and the researchers. It also depends on what is going on at the
time we have the funds available. Do you have an Issue you want researched?
If so tell the Foundation. We cannot issue a grant until funding is in
place. So it is a catch 22. 



5. ***  When the last Herald's article mentioned one of the goals being
Marketing, I naturally thought it meant . .  marketing Fjordhorses, meaning
advertising.  --  You say it means "marketing the Foundation".  -- Fine!
But, I think that marketing anything to do with  Fjordhorses will attract
people interested in owning a Fjordhrose, and I'm wondering how those
inquiries might be handled.

      As secretary of the Foundation, If and when I receive an inquiry for
the Fjord horse in general that person will be referred to NFHR and NHFR
will send out the informational packet to that person. Where the Foundation
can come in handy (I mention can because funding is the main key to any
project.) , is that the Foundation can provide the NFHR with GRANTS to
publish an educational printed material that can go into the packet that
NFHR gives out.  Thus is a long and round about way the Foundation is
marketing. but not really. Again, there are rules and regulations and laws
that govern Foundations. Of course if anyone asks the Foundation, a
Foundation brochure will be sent also. (Please do not ask for one yet, we
are developing it and waiting for funding to publish it.)


Not one Trustee is benefiting from the Foundation. No one is being PAID, all
staff is volunteer.  We are not out to market our horses. NONE of us have
that in mind. We want to see the Fjord world expand and do more. A
Foundation is one tool to do just that.  We are looking globally not



6. If the Fjord Foundation is an organization that is going to promote and
protect, and do good things for  the Fjordhorse, then, of course, I'm all
for it.  --  I've asked these questions because Beaver Dam Farm is in the
business of Fjordhorses.  We have a full-time staff, and those people as
well as Arthur and I make our living breeding, training, importing, buying,
and selling Fjordhorses.  --  All of us here have a need to know what's
happening in the Fjord world, and rightly or wrongly, I did not feel that
the two articles published in the Herald contained enough information for us
to form a considered opinion on the Fjord Foundation.


Carol, what can I say? I am an amateur writer. I am a professional horse
woman. I try hard when sending articles into the Fjord Herald to be accurate
and tell as much as I can in the limited words that we have to send in an
article. Very large books are written on Foundations. There is no way I can
cover the entire subject in articles. We have to assume that the reader
knows something about Foundation and in particular equine Foundations. Your
best bet is to look at the other equine Foundations in this world. APHA,
AQHA, US Equestrians, Vaulting, every college and university has a
Foundation. Look to them and get to know what a Foundation is. Then it may
help you in understanding why.


The Foundation & our Trustees have nothing to hide. We are trying to
disseminate information to as many Fjord owners as possible as soon as
possible within our budget and means. Our budget relies on gifts made to the
Foundation. If we do not receive gifts, then we cannot do much. 


Yes, you are in business and you and Arthur must make decisions that benefit
you and Arthur.  Business' like yours can work with the Foundation Trustees
and give gifts that would allow the business name to be part of a program
thus placing your business name in the forefront of a project. For example:
(This is another organization that I work with. )"The Susan Kendall Clay
Scholarship", this is a scholarship funding by a family for a college
student to attend a national convention every other year. Named after a
special lady and the scholarship endowment was paid for entirely by her
family. ($30,000.00) The money is invested and the dividends and interest
from these funds are given in a form of a scholarship every 2 years to a
college student that must apply for the scholarship. This is one example of
how a Foundation can work with a donor to create a program that meets the
need of the donor and meets the need of the Foundation. 


Carol, If you and Arthur have more questions about you & your business
personally making a difference. Then a Trustee can contact you in person to
discuss the many options there are.


Please enjoy the day and hug your famous stallion. 


Catherine Lassesen

Foundation Secretary

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