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 Hi List !  

       Just a Thanksgiving note to all our Fjord friends across the miles 
today. Hopefully, most of the biggest worries might include getting to some 
family feast on time, or how early to set the clock tonight to make that early 
morning save 20 bucks on some MP3 player, or trying to line up and 
snatch one of the few X-Box 360's.......OMG !  ; /

  Jeff is stuck in CA today, working his usual 24 hr. Paramedic / Firefighter 
shift, and instead of having today off and heading home to UT. he was " 
forced " into working some overtime, one extra day, but will be comming home by 
tomorrow night. His Birthday is also Sun. so we had already planned on a 
non-traditional Sat. all inclusive eating fest, so no worries. He has however 
stationed at # 22, in Laguna Woods, a Senior community, been out on 13 calls 
already.......all of them elderly, most of them lonely, afraid and upset about 
being alone on this holiday. So, why not call the boys in Blue to come for some 
kind words, a bit of attention and a trip to some hospital, where even with a 
skeleton staff, they will not be missed isolated or lonely. Happens every 
holiday, just hard to believe year after year I guess. In Orange Co. CA today, 
will ( from statistics ) burn down 3 homes, all priced over  $400,000 or 
more. They will lose 4 patients on routene calls. There will be 24 serious car 
accidents, and alcohol will be found to be a factor in 83 % of them. Before 
midnight, the Firefighters in OC will respond to over 80 calls, many after 10 
Jeffs station will run aprox. 26 calls out. Emergency workers, Law Enforcment, 
Medical workers, Armed Service men and women stationed anywhere but home.... 
volunteers in Soup Kitchens and even kids in Foster care will be missing their 
familys today. Their familys miss them. 

     My newest Foster teen,16, was "stood up " by his mom for this weekend, 
and as her plans kept changing, due to some ex-boyfriend needing bail money, 
blah blah blah....
( heard it all in 17 years of loving these foster kids ) he is missing out on 
going to his grandmas home  (for 2 days with his siblings ) due to " no money 
for gas to come all the way here to fetch him. " Soooooo, instead, he was 
going to spend the day with her, from 8 AM till 9 PM. This morning I found him 
sitting outside, still waiting for her, at 10 AM after sitting there, all 
dressed up since 7:50. She eventually showed up and now I just recieved a call 
him that he will be here by 5......oh well, Pizza for 3 and some goofy DVD 
makes teens happy anyway !

   Im truely Thankfull for my family and friends, including many who we have 
met in our 15 years or so of Fjord owning. Lots of you have met and spent time 
with one or more of our many foster kids, at both Libby and Blue Earth and 
this year was William, who we were blessed to have for 2 years. William was our 
crew chief and head harness master, and a very good whip in his own right, 
winning a proud second in the tough Jr. to Drive class at BE. William has moved 
on to " Independant Living " and at age 17 is as far as anyones custody, alone 
and trying to make it on his own. Like every other abused, abandoned or for 
whatever reason, law breaking child, removed from their familys custody it is 
real life this Thanksgiving. 

   For all the Fjord friends who have visited us this year....spent time 
learning and practicing with us ! For those who have bought carriages or horses 
sold or leased theirs to us, intrusting us with your beloved Fjords..... For 
so many of you who lend your unsolisited support and advice, esp. these last 
few weeks....for those already signing on for something next year, breeding, or 
meeting us at shows to lend a hand, THANK-YOU.  LK, GR, JE, BB, AU, OU, MS, 
DS,DMc, UJ, BJ, PO, PW, SF, KK, WB, LK,OE and PW and Dr. Deb Bennett, special 
thanks ! 

   For getting to spend my days with the best herd of HAIRY YAKS around, 
THANK-YOU to my hubby of 21 years !!!,and ( deep breath ) Fair Acres Nels, PF 
Valjo, my 3 beautiful Leidjo daughters, Fair Acres Juli, Anvil's Linnea and 
Anvil's Rebekka. Heljo's Kaiser, PF Emily, PF Gra Flicka, Ursula, PF Oslo, PF 
PF Hansal and PF Gretel, Johanna, Fjreda, PF Fjern, OH Verdig and MVF 
Kariya,...and esp. Mid's Ayla, for keeping ME safe, sound and NOT needing 
myself ! during all my riding ventures this year with the Mounted Sheriffs S+R 

   Lots to be grateful for here. Cant wait to keep the good adventures going 
with the Fjord activities in 2006 !

    Get lots of leftovers, rest and Fjord kisses today. Im headed out to grab 
a few myself. Keep in mind what its REALLY about this year as we enter the 
blast of holiday spirit, and soften those thoughts to those keeping us safe. 

        Lisa Pedersen / Pedersens Fjords * Cedar City, UTAH

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