This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  Selling horses is a LOT of work,much more so then a lot
> of people think. .

Patti Jo hit the nail on the head - without sounding like Patti Jo and I are
joined at the hip - we carry allot of the same philosophy - perhaps that's
why we are good friends and work together so well.

I do not sell the volume that Patti Jo does, but I've taken in horses that
owners want to sell - and made the CORRECT match to the buyer wanting to
purchase. It is allot of work and time and takes instinct - of the people
your working for and with and most importantly the horses themselves - my
main goal when I act as a liaison is to find the next home - to be the last
home - that horse has to deal with.

Somewhere along the line I've gotten the reputation which I hold dear - and
I take the work very seriously- and gratefully  - I have sold horses sight
unseen to people who trust my judgment and experience.

There are sells - and then there are "GOOD SELLS"...that you know
instinctually, will work

Its hard to count the hours and hours of time we spend "finding the right
home" for the horse. But in the end it really is rewarding to find that
we've made the owner happy, the buyer happy and again most of all the right
home for the HORSE.

I do charge for my time and it is not cheap - so it is understandable why
some one might feel the need to skip what Patti Jo and I do and go directly
to auction.

Auctions - good or bad - it just happens.

Pat Holland

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