This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Funny you should ask, I have been using this feed for my 2 Fjord mares,
ages 4 and 8, for a year now. They get 1 1/4 cups, once in the am and pm.
That is all they get except for daily wormer, and lots of hay and some
pasture. They seem fine on it, makes me feel like I am meeting their
needs without giving them a lot of grain. Their coats, hooves,
disposition, etc all seem normal. This product does not seem to have
sugar, tastes a little salty to me. I did weigh it before I started and 2
1/2 cups weighs about 1lb, so I feel that they are getting the benefit of
all the vitamins etc.
        I will be interested if anyone else has something to say.
        Columbia, CT

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