This message is from: snafflesnshelties <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

this reminds me of a small country town near us. A dairy cattle farm had been there for years (on the corner lot of the town). New people moved to town and eventually complained about the odor from the cattle. Went as far as to take the dairy farmer to court. When it was all over, the dairy farmer stayed and his cattle. There were established there first. Residents bought their property knowing full well that the dairy farm was there.

I notice an odor from our horse lots sometimes after a drenching rain.
I had one neighbor complain about my flies ... bombarding their home.. I set her straight... with all the fly control I used... there was no way the flies came from our home. The flies came from a hog farmer.. who used nothing for fly control.

Very often if someone complains, they are senior citizens... who tend to grumble and no one can make them happy. Not all seniors are this way though.

I usually call the person... who is complaining about me... and very sweetly discuss it with them. First time I ever did th is.. the gentleman was sooooooooooo
embarrassed, basically denied what he has said.

I would talk to them about the rumor... explaining that you do everything you can to control odors ect... and ask them kindly to let you know IF they ever detect an odor... I always call any new neighbors... and ask them to let me know if my dogs bark too much and annoy them.. never thought of it with manure odor.. however we dont have anyone directly downwind from us.


This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 10/19/2005 7:14:21 PM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

learned  from a neighbor that my neighbors of twenty five years to the east
of me told them that they can not eat on their patio because of the "terrible smell" from my place!!!!

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