This message is from: "Linda Bain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi List,

My mare is 5 1/2 months pregnant (last covering 11th April) and has begun to bleed. It is very light bleeding and red. I called the Vet yesterday when I noticed it and he is not sure if she is aborting or not, but is coming out every day to give her antibiotic injections and to monitor her. She is not showing any signs of discomfort and is eating and drinking normally.

This morning the Vet came out again and she had passed a blood clot overnight which I showed him. He seems to think it is fresh healthy blood and wasn't any sign of any aborted material, so he doesn't think that at this point she has aborted. I asked about scanning her to see what was going on, but he doesn't think it is wise at this stage in case it causes her to abort.

She has had 3 foals previously with no problem and both her and the stallion had clear swab tests. She was covered at home as I own both her and the stallion, and she has not left my premises since. The only thing that I have done differently in recent weeks was that I wormed all the horses with an Ivermectin based wormer on 1st September. The stallion had diarrhoea after this and lost a bit of weight. The others have shown no ill effects (until now?). I checked the wormer and it is safe to give to breeding animals up to 5x the maximum dose.

Has anyone experienced anything like this before? I have looked through all my books and browsed the internet and I can find plenty on the causes of abortion but nothing actually describing the process and if it is possible for mares to bleed without actually aborting.

Any information would be appreciated.



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