This message is from: "Vanessa N Weber" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I'm wondering about EPM (Equine Protozoa Myelitis). I don't know if you have
it up there (Minnesota). We do here. Whatever this is, it sounds
neurological and possibly progressive.

Vanessa Weber

-------Original Message-------

From: Gina Larson
Date: 09/09/05 21:10:36
Subject: clumsy horse question

This message is from: Gina Larson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello All--

I'm looking for some insight into a situation with a
friend's horse.  A year ago a friend of mine, new to
horses, purchased a 2 year old grade paint filly.
>From the first time I saw this horse, I thought she
seemed abnormally lethargic.  My friend and her
boyfriend attributed this to an extremely mellow
personality.  The horse is also clumsy, often tripping
and stumbling over her own front feet.  On one or two
occasions I've actually seen her fall onto her knees
while carrying a rider.  My friends attributed this to
her young age and lack of muscle development.
Yesterday I went out to visit my friend and her horse
at the farm where she boards.  She was standing beside
her horse exasperated, saying that she was being very
"sassy" when she tried to ride her (ie resisting her
aids, refusing to halt, and in general being
beligerent)  I watched her when she got back on, and
observed a horse that seemed to be incredibly tense
and stiff, if not in pain, and seeming to be having a
difficult time carrying her rider's weight (my friend
IS a heavy girl!).  To "reprimand" her horse for being
"bad" she decided to lunge her, or in her words "make
her run".  As I watched her lunge there were at leaast
3 or 4 times at the canter when I observed her horse
knuckling over on her near hind and actually falling
onto her haunches!  My friend did not think this was
abnormal!! (I'm sure she's seen it happen before).  I,
on the other hand was quite alarmed!  I haven't
discussed it with her as she and I have rather
different philosophies on training and horsekeeping
and she seems to be quite sensitive to what she
perceives as criticism of her or her horses.

Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this
strange behavior in her horse?  I know she is current
on vacs, worming and farrier.  She was purchased from
a local horse dealer who got her for next to nothing
at an auction so they don't know much about her first
2 years.  Could it be that she really is just lazy
and/or uncoordinated?

I am worried about this filly, as she just doesn't
seem right, my friend doesn't seem to think there is a
I don't want either of them to get hurt.

Thoughts appreciated!

Thank you!
Gina Larson
Marinette, WI
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