This message is from: "Frederick J. Pack" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This is from the Red Cross web site: link,1072,0_312_4498,00.html 

About Donating Goods to the Red Cross for Areas Impacted by Hurricane
Written by Leigh-Anne Dennison , Staff 

Wednesday, August 31, 2005 — When a disaster of the magnitude of Hurricane
Katrina strikes and the news broadcasts images of broken, battered and
destroyed homes, it is natural for the public to be eager to help their
neighbors – whether they’re across town or across the country. Often, seeing
that they have lost everything, people are eager to donate food, clothing or
other goods to meet the needs of storm victims and help the affected
families begin to replace what they have lost. 

Anheuser-Busch donated more than six million cans of 
water to the American Red Cross and other relief agencies 
to aid victims and relief workers during the 2004 Atlantic 
hurricanes. U.S. Navy personnel provided invaluable 
assistance to the Hurricane Ivan relief operation last 
year by loading critically needed water donated by 
Anheuser-Busch onto Red Cross ERVs at the Pensacola 
Civic Center distribution site, Fla., September 2004. 
(Photo Credit: Dave Murray/American Red Cross/File)  

"While that generous spirit is truly appreciated, the American Red Cross
cannot accept this type of donation for the victims it is serving," said
Amanda Lepof, an American Red Cross In-Kind Officer. 

Today, the Red Cross is operating more than 250 shelters across seven
states, providing a safe haven for nearly 42,000 evacuees – many who have
been left homeless by Katrina. The first priority is meeting the urgent,
critical needs of those people, which include providing emergency shelter,
food and water. 

"In-kind donations are best when they come from companies that can provide
new items in a quantity that meets the mass care needs of victims – for
example, Anheuser-Busch is again donating canned water for hurricane victims
and response workers," said Lepof. "Unsolicited, spontaneous donations of
goods and services from individuals and community groups, although well
intentioned, have hidden costs and pose a number of complications for
initial relief efforts." 

For these reasons, the Red Cross is unable to accept any large collections
of items, such as used clothing, hygiene items, furniture, toys, blankets,
and canned goods. Nor is it able to accept small, individual donations of
these items. 

Why does the Red Cross discourage donations of collected goods and
individual items for disaster relief? 

Collections of items require valuable and scarce resources such as time,
money, and personnel to sort, clean, and distribute them, which come at the
expense of the emergency activities relief workers are attempting to
perform. The Red Cross has neither the resources, nor the logistical set-up,
to properly handle these types of donations, and therefore cannot accept
In addition, because the organization has no way of knowing what spontaneous
individual donations or unsolicited collections of items will consist of,
and therefore cannot ensure there will be enough of a particular item to
distribute it equitably, or if the donated products will even be appropriate
for the relief effort. 
Shipping donated goods is also costly and particularly difficult in the
aftermath of a disaster, as roads are often damaged or impassable, and
easily clogged with shipments of non-priority items. The Red Cross makes
every attempt to procure items locally to save money by minimizing
transportation and storage costs. 
“We don’t want to discourage people who want to help,” said Lepof. “But,
making a financial gift to support the relief operations really is the best
way for people to help after a disaster like this.” 

Monetary financial contributions enable the Red Cross to support the
greatest needs in the most efficient manner. Cash can be used to purchase
items in adjacent, staging areas and eliminate the added costs involved in
transporting goods. 

Where can donations of collected goods and individual items be most

Individual donations of goods and collections of items are put to their best
possible use, and have the greatest impact economically, when they are
donated to local charitable organizations within the local community.
Donating locally eliminates transportation costs and ensures disaster
workers are not overwhelmed with sorting unsolicited donations and are free
to perform priority relief activities. Because these local agencies are not
operating in the crisis environment that characterizes disaster relief, the
charity will have the time sort, clean, and repair goods and identify how
and where they can be most beneficial. 

Guidelines for Effective Giving in Support of Disaster Relief 

Before beginning any sort of collection drive, it is important to first call
a charitable agency and confirm that there is a need for the donation and
that they are able to accept it. Several organizations active in disaster
relief have published guidelines that offer practical advice on steps that
should be taken prior to starting a collection drive or purchasing items to
donate to disaster relief. 

All American Red Cross disaster assistance is free, made possible by
voluntary donations of time and money from the American people. You can help
the victims of this disaster and thousands of other disasters across the
country each year by making a financial gift to the American Red Cross
Disaster Relief Fund, which enables the Red Cross to provide shelter, food,
counseling and other assistance to those in need. Call 1-800-HELP NOW or
1-800-257-7575 (Spanish). Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund may be
sent to your local American Red Cross chapter or to the American Red Cross,
P. O. Box 37243, Washington, DC 20013. Internet users can make a secure
online contribution by visiting


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gail Russell
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 4:21 PM
Subject: RE: Katrina Help

This message is from: "Gail Russell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

This looks like it could be a dangerous hoax.  The Red Cross needs
money....not stuff.

 There is some stuff mixed in below that looks like it is related to sending
e-mails, which makes me further suspicious.  

I cannot confirm this from my web searches.

 Further, it seems odd that there is reliance on the NFL to deal with the

Please do not do this or forward without further authentication!!!!!

This message is from: "Mike May, Registrar NFHR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I received this email regarding the hurricane victims down south.  Just
for your info.


  From: Colleen Pace [AARS] [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2005 8:30 AM
  Subject: Katrina Help
  Hello fellow American ~
  It feels good to know we have proof that America cares for its own.
  After going on the Red Cross sight ( to make a
  contribution for the Katrina survivors Tuesday night, I attempted to
  return to the site Wednesday night to see what else I could do…..and
  couldn’t get on. It must have been getting so many hits that it was
  “crashing.” But, here is some great news….
  We now have an address where we can actually ship things to help – a
  clean, dry place with tens of thousands of people in need, and within
  350 miles of those survivors who cannot escape. So, here are three
  ways you can ship truly needed supplies to our southern friends.

< .........................>
  Here’s the Address. Use this heading so the receivers know it is all
  coming from this one campaign. That way, if they need special things,
  or are receiving too much of a particular thing, they can ask the
  media to speak to our group directly! “Our Group” refers all the
  people across the nation who got hooked on the giving from one of
  those silly e-mail send-alongs! It will be fun to see where-all the
  e-mail goes.
  From Your Friends Across the Nation
  c/o American Red Cross
  Houston Astrodome
  8400 Kirby Drive
  Houston TX 77054

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