This message is from: CHERYL GARNICA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Point well taken about the horses history with registration.  Mostly trying to 
see the benefits of NFHR dual registry with the CFHA since already Canadian 
registered.  Will probably do it in time even though not planning to show.  
Then I could get the sought after "Herald" everyone keeps asking about!!
Cheryl in S. Cal

This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I think, Cheryl, the same answer applies here when I get a dog back from
rescue. (Only has happened twice in 18 years, but....) The new pet owners
want to know why they have to pay the fee to have him registered. I do
the vet work, registering, and they pay only for that. The reason is it
is the dog's heritage. This dog has been carefully bred, raised and
belongs to a certain line, and I would like for him to go through life
with his history intact. Possibly he will seem more valuable to someone
down the line with this "provenance."
Also, if he is registered, he is eligible for agility and
obedience competition, as a horse would be able to enter breed specific
shows. You never know what is down the road for an animal.
Thank you also to people who responded to my trail bridle
inquiry. I think I will get one.

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