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My question is: Has anyone whose Fjord suffers from runny stools  
noticed a correlation between the heat and the extent of water in the  
Genie, my horse Patrick had a similar problem.  He didn't have loose  stools 
but he had very runny wet gas that made a total mess of his rear  end.  It 
started July ' 04 and  continued to varying degrees to this  summer.  Several 
things (Bio Sponge, probiotics, power pak worming etc.)  would seems to help 
a short while but the problem came right back.   Finally a month ago I decided 
to switch hay.  I bought some New York second  cutting hay and within a week 
the problem was almost completely gone.  He  had been eating first cutting hay 
right off the field.  Strangely enough he  is out on nice green pasture for a 
couple of hours a day, five days a week and  that doesn't seem to bother him. 
 Last weekend was very, very hot and humid  and for the first time in quite a 
few weeks the wet gassy problem came back but  to a much smaller degree.  As 
soon as the weather became cooler the problem  subsided.  That's my long 
winded way of saying, yes, I think heat and  humidity may have something to do 
the problem!  He still does have a  little excess liquid and I'm hoping that 
will be gone completely as the weather  continues to cool.
Carol 'n Patrick in a much cooler CT :)

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