This message is from: "Steve Sessoms" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I want to thank Joe Glick and Dan Watanabe for helping me decide that my filly
is in fact a light grey dun Fjordie!  (and thanks to anyone else who might have
replied and I haven't gotten it in the digest yet =)  What really threw me was
the fact that her body color is in fact more the color of a very dark white dun
or a very light brown dun than any grey dun I have ever seen.  And when her
black face markings disappeared after her late summer coat grew back, it really
threw me off.  

Just a note about the recent flaming on the list . it makes me very sad to see
this happen.  I truly think that all parties really agree with everything each
other said but was taken the wrong way.  I have been on this list, gosh, I can't
even remember how long.  I think I joined it 6 months after it started.  The
folks who are arguing have been great contributors and are wonderful Fjord
folks, and I can't believe you guys are falling apart like this.  I hope you can
all agree to disagree and shake hands . please.

peace out,
Meredith Sessoms

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