This message is from: Jean Ernest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  I furiously typed a reply to Ruthie when I first read her post, then 
added stuff, subtracted stuff, sat on it and still have not sent it.  But I 
must thank  both Tamara Rousso and Teresa Kandianis for your calm 
and  excellent posts!  Yes,  the North American evaluations are designed to 
prevent overselection... not to institutionalize it.  And Yes, it is 
comparing over-selection apples to the evaluation oranges.    Great posts, 
both of you!  Now let's just all cool down and get off this subject..and I 
am going to delete my unsent reply. (Or maybe I should save it to see how 
stupid it sounds tomorrow.)

Jean in cloudy Fairbanks, Alaska, the smoke has blown away for the 
moment.  65 degrees

At 05:47 PM 8/7/2005 -0700, you wrote:
>This message is from: Tamara Rousso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Somebody stop me.  Pleeaassse.  Nope isn't happening.  I'm jumping into 
>the fray which means no matter what I say you (Ruthie) will have an 
>extremely well thought out, sharp tongued response intended to make me 
>look stupid.  I say save your breath- I do a fine job on my own.
>Besides I am now donning my cyber anti-flaming armor of the most highly 
>developed technology.   (bugle please)  Charge....
>Here is the way I see it - you are comparing over-selection apples to the 
>evaluation oranges.  I have not heard anyone say that the purpose of 
>evaluating those stallions is to limit the gene pool.  Instead I am 
>hearing them say it is to improve a breeders' tools for selection.

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