This message is from: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a message dated 7/31/05 7:19:16 AM, 

> The MWFHC Blue Earth Show is as unique and one of a kind. It is not the
> facilities that make a successful show - It is because of the PEOPLE whom
> attend that makes it so.

i totally agree with pat. this year's show was my second, and it was 
something that will stick in my memory for quite some time. as it will for my 
non-horsey friend carol, whom many of you met working in the merchandise area 
linda and kristen.   she emailed me shortly after she got home and said she had 
WONDERFUL time. i met many people from this list, some of whom just came up 
and wanted to meet Oz, hello all, glad you got home safely. our only casualty 
was one of Oz's new shoes, which he managed to remove in the trailer. i think 
we were the last ones to leave, since we only have a 4 hour drive home, and it 
was quite bittersweet, as pat said, to stand outside the empty barn, with the 
memories running around in our heads.

things like........
oz learning that the fan was not a boogy monster, and that by pushing his 
nose on the fins, he could push them into the blades to make a funny 
noise.....and then it would stop spinning. i believe his stall mate, yaeger, 
taught him 
this one. he was very disappointed to arrive home and find no fan on his 

minnesota weather still has the power to scare the crap out of me with her 
tremendous summer storms. it's the only way to break the heat/ humidity we had  
been having the entire week before.....

a horse (unnamed) who steps on your foot almost immediately after getting out 
of the trailer on sunday leaves a bruise in the exact shape of his hoof for 
you to enjoy for many days thereafter........

as i have said before, a fjord comes with an extended family. everyone was 
helpful, and never was a question considered dumb or out of place.....

and where else in the world could a 58 year old grandmother, who has loved 
horses her entire life, conquer her fears and run public....and 
have the support and cheers we did. ok, so we trotted most of them because we 
haven't cantered a lot yet, and when i turned the last barrel and cued Oz to 
i am sure what took so long is he wasn't sure i really meant it :) but we 
finally did. we missed the cones for the time line, but by then tears were 
falling down my face. perhaps i had not won a ribbon, but it was certainly a 
personal best for me.......

laurie and oz

  • Re: blue earth CrystalZak

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