Hello List! 
Hi Karen looking again at the pictures on this site .......if 
you look at the fjord..yes the wheels are up....but he is going up a 
hill.........and if you have been in a cart or 4 wheel wagon in a CDE and the 
marathon........the pony might have just dug in his hind quarters to make the 
hike up the hill and it most likely would raise up the front wheels.......If 
you look also at the picture of the white pony Knut......he is going up the 
same exact hill and his front wheels are up also.......these ponies are hauling 
some serious 'butt' !! up those hills! The drivers probably just put them into 
the 'yee haa' mode.........Lots of fun.....the white pony Knut also has a 
different type of shafts than the fjord ......but his carraige is doing the 
same thing! Sometimes the carraige even goes up on it's side !! That's when it 
helps to have a 'seasoned' navigator!  In looking at the 'point of draft' on 
all of the different hook ups with the single ponies.......for the!
 that are 'on the flat' ......they all look correct......I will say that the 
type of shaft on the fjord is one that I haven't seen does look 
weird but it may be just the photography and the angle........Hope this helps!
For hot weather trailering........if it is really too really should 
be leaving during the dark of is much easier on the 
horses.........and yep....Gail ! it most likely was me who gave the tip of 
putting Coke or Pepsi in the water tanks a month before traveling a long 
distance......some horses will not drink strange water........soaking the hay 
is an awesome thing also.....we also don't wrap legs.......never have.....never 
will except for an existing injury.
Dick had the experience of working for a big cross country horse hauler and 
they wet the horses down in Arizona....wrapped the legs.......this was the 
owner......and when they got to VT with these horses.........there was no hair 
on the legs at all......not a pretty site!  
We also will wet down the woodchips or sawdust if used for bedding. With rubber 
mats we will put bedding behind the mares or half way up the gelding/stallions. 
 Wetted down will cool the trailer and still absorb the urine and also help 
with getting the bedding blown around and into the eyes.  We also have a bucket 
3/4 full of water at all times beside each horse....we do travel with one 
barrell of our own water........the ones that love to dunk the hay at 
home....will appreciate the chance to do so on the road ! Make sure that the 
ties are long enough to let the horse hang it's head as it needs to let the 
nostrils drain.....tied too short....they can't do this.....but don't make the 
lead to long so that they could get a leg over......for those whose horses 
really sweat during the trailering.......give electrolytes! the paste is best 
so that you know it has been swallowed! Some like to travel with fly masks on 
and they are great for keeping the blowing bedding or hay chaff fr!
 getting into their eyes........
Kay Konove and I drove her truck to the Fjord Fun Fest in NC and we traveled 
during two cloudy days......which was great! Watch the weather and travel 
We are having some nice cool weather for a few days........a little less 
humidity.......and man has it been raining..............raining..........and 
raining.........unbelievabley torrential storms! Ruining the sides of roads and 
driveways! Floods all over! But the ponies are happy out in the 
pasture..........every time I look their heads are down! The price of fuel and 
not having a truck anymore will keep us from the Blue Earth show but the best 
of time to all going!!   Sue-g in Northfield, MA

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