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This message is from Linda Syverson -Kerr @ j [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hello Group.

I just wanted to tell you about a recent trip to California my family and I 
made. I sent a post while at my Uncles asking if there were any Fjords in 
Southern California. I spent a lot of time running with my relatives in "CAL" 
I need Fjord therapy.
I received many warm invites to stop and visit other "Fjord people."

Our First stop was to a Rondi Tyler's place. Rondi is of the Norwegian 
heritage and of course it would not be complete w/o Fjords. Rondi had 2 very 
beautiful Fjords a Gelding and a mare that was a rescue mare. They shared their 
paddocks w/ an Arabian and a mini. Rondi not only has these but her home is a 
rescues home for dogs as well. She had a rooster as well. Her home was warm and 
lovely and had a wonderful view. As we drove to her place in there back grounds 
you could see snow on the mountain tops. She and her husband were soon to leave 
for a trip Norway.

We responded to an email from Jo Wilgus, in the Perris California area. My 
family and I were great by this huge German Shepherd w/ a cast on the front leg 
and a wonderful person named Jo who also had a cast on her leg as well. I got 
to meet her stock, a couple on Non Fjord types : ), and a lovely mare, that 
she purchased from Beth Breymer. Jo put her mare in the round pen while the 
"strutted her stuff." Pretty impressive mover, great disposition. Jo you are 
right, "she is the greatest." :) While we chatted over sandwiches, my son swam 
in her pool. It was very interesting to hear about the land there and the 
area that Jo lived in was a lot of "horsey" people. The trails were endless to 
ride, all one need to do was walk out there gate and "ride" to the neighbors. 
Well, we did ride over to a friends house, Kathy Kramer, (that is we went in 

Kathy is a very good friend of Jo's and had purchased a few animals from WI, 
she had purchased from Phil Odden. There was a yearling that was a half 
brother to my 2 year old mare that I purchased from Phil. Smedsmo certainly did 
on the fluid/elegant movement he has to his off spring. Kathy had thought of 
using her pair of Geldings to come and get us via the wagon from Jo's place, 
but we got there first by driving the car. That would have been an absolute 
delight. Kathy's whole heard was Fjords. She has a very nice heard, varying 
different size to types, One mare looked like she was about to burst. I had 
that she would have foaled during our visit. She did not, I hope that all went 
well with that birth. We had a wonderful time there as well. We were sad to 
leave but there was another farm we wanted to visit. 

Margaret Strachan responded to my email as well. I was pleased as punch to 
visit her herd as well. I saw a different type of Fjord. Margaret has a lot of 
imports. They were smaller in size and frame. I really liked the size. I am 
getting old shorter is good. Margaret and her husband have a wonderful farm 
a few studs, one was sick (I hope that he is feeling better.) Many mares. 
There was one mare that was breath taking in the sense of her body color was 
darkest Brown Dun I have ever seen with magnificent striping on her legs. WOW.

I cannot say enough about the warmth of those that I met in California. My 
husband and son really enjoyed themselves as well (my husband is a Harley man). 
I was sad to leave each place, but happy at the wonderful people I met along 
the way. I hope that I am able to visit again, this time for a Fjord vacation. 
My husband told me I should bring my Gelding out. HMMMMMM there is an idea.  
There was another Fjord farm recommended to see the "NORS," however, time did 
not allow, I sprained my ankle as well walking was not the easiest for me. 

I apologize for not getting my adventures out sooner, but I got home on the 
23 and left for Phil's to get horses ready for Columbus carriage show. We had a 
blast there. Then I went to Phil's this weekend to get my 2 year old filly, a 
mare and her 1 month filly. While there we spent the weekend.....Doing Fjord 
stuff of course. We paired horses and drove, ground drove mares w/ the young 
at their sides. Again, a totally awesome weekend.

I need to close, I hope everyone has/had a safe and wonderful Holiday. 
Linda Syverson Kerr

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