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i know grazing muzzles have been discussed before, but i did not expect to be 
in need of one. however, a change in circumstances may necessitate using one.

before i got oz, we had an older horse who had been rescued several times, 
and ended up with my riding instructor. we bought him from her after she 
returned him to health, to keep our other horse company. when i got oz, we 
that we simply could not handle 3 horses. we found what we thought was an ideal 
placement situation for the two together, at a local bible camp for their 
summer riding program for kids. we sold one horse, and donated the rescued one 
with the stipulation that if they could not use him in their program, we would 
take him back. we never heard anything, so had no idea anything was wrong.

about 2 weeks ago my instructor went to the camp to train their summer riding 
help. she found poor charlie, the old horse, in the pasture, just about on 
death's door. they had all been turned out all winter in the pasture with just 
cheap meadow hay, and obviously, no other care. he was simply skin and bones. 
my hubby was livid (and he never gets mad), called the place and said he was 
coming to pick charlie up, which he did. i almost cried when i saw him, he was 
so thin and sad. we have had him here since june 2, and with good feed and 
supplements, i am already seeing a vast improvement. he eats and eats, as well 

now, how does this relate to a grazing muzzle one might ask? well, right now 
i am boarding oz at my instructor's so i can ride inside (we have had 6 solid 
weeks of RAIN), and get some of the weight off he put on this winter. and so i 
can bring him to blue earth without my having to wear a bag on my head so 
nobody can tell who owns such a chubby fjord.

i am stuck as to what to do when i bring him home. charlie needs to eat all 
the time, oz hardly at all. if i keep them separate, putting charlie on pasture 
and oz in the dry lot, there is no way to get water to charlie. if i keep 
them both in the dry lot, charlie won't get enough to eat.

can anyone suggest a better solution than the muzzle? and if you can 
recommend one?

help! when these two horses stand next to each other, they are going to look 
like the number 10.

laurie, living with both ends of the spectrum
sorry this is so long.......

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