This message is from: "Carol Riviore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hello Everybody from Carol Rivoire at Beaver Dam Farm in Nova Scotia --

From: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Holly - Solar daughter

This message is from: "Pat Holland" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Is this the same Holly that is a daughter of Solar?  And isn't Holly the
of John Arthur and Magnum that Beth Beymer did/does so much with?

. . . . . .  I am trying to get a handle on what Solar threw......just
curious and
intrigued - so far all three are small, 13-3 no more than 14 hands - but
I get older tend to appreciate the smaller ones.

Anyone else who has stories about Solar or his offspring, I'd enjoy
about it. > Pat Holland

Hi Pat,

No, this Holly, the Holly who just had a filly, is not the Holly who is the Solar daughter. -- The dam of the little filly, who we have named BDF Whitney, is registered as Holly I -- However, we call her Holly II to distinguish her from the Solar daughter, Holly, who we call
Holly I because she came first.  -----  Are you confused yet?  ---

As to the characteristics of Solar offspring, I can tell you a lot! -- Twenty or so years ago, Chief Inspector Bob van Bon, told me that Solar produced sons and daughters who were almost uniformly easy to use. -- Of course, exceptions exist in every aspect of horses. -- Solar was a wonderful stallion, which is why the Dutch Studbook approved his son Courage as a Studbook STallion. --

We have two Solar daughters in our Nova Scotia Beginner Driving Vacation program --- BDF Toril and Holly. -- We've had lots of other Solar sons and daughters as well as grandsons and granddaughters. -- I can't think of one of them that was not easy to train and a pleasure to use. --- All of them have been high quality horses capable of being used safely by all members of the family, and also capable of being good competition horses.

As to size, Solar was a big stallion - tall and big bodied. Many of his offspring are the same. The two mares we use are both big bodied, but one is average height, while the other is tall (14.1 hands). -- Others I remember were all at least normal size, and a few geldings were very tall (14.2 - 14.3 hands).

Regards,  Carol Rivoire

  • Re: SOLAR Carol Riviore

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