This message is from: Lisa Sherrodd <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've had several people email me to ask how I got
Fiona to bow. I had a system crash and lost the emails
so I thought I would just reply on the board here. It
is pretty simple, I just hold a treat between the
horse's legs and as they grab for the treat I lower it
to the ground. Once they get the hang of that I
introduce going to the knee by holding up a leg while
they go down for the treat. 

I would stress that the horse needs to be very
comfortable in its surroundings, comfortable with its
handler and the type of horse that won't get nippy or
pushy with treats. I had to back off of Fiona a bit
with the treats because she was getting pretty pushy.
But once she learned she doesn't get a treat
everytime, she quit with the pushy behavior.

It was much harder to train my Arab mare to bow
because she was easily startled and wasn't very
comfortable being in an awkward position. Fiona had no
problem with that part. Once in the bow position she
would stay there all day if she thought she would get
a treat in the end.

Hope that helps.

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